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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Plovers

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Charadriidae

You can get "Checklist of the Plovers of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The plover family is global; many species are migratory birds. The body length ranges from 15 cm to 40 cm. Plover have a stocky body and long wings, the hind toe is receded or missing completely. They are ground birds that can run quickly, but also fly very well and quickly. In the vicinity of the nest or the young birds, the adult birds use seduction by simulating a broken wing and luring away a dangerous animal.


     squatarola - Grey Plover (11)
     apricaria - European Golden Plover (8)
     dominica - American Golden-Plover (4)
     fulva - Pacific Golden Plover (3)


     ruficollis - Tawny-throated Dotterel (2)


     vanellus - Northern Lapwing (16)
     crassirostris - Long-toed Lapwing (5)
     armatus - Blacksmith Lapwing (7)
     spinosus - Spur-winged Lapwing (11)
     duvaucelii - River Lapwing (2)
     malabaricus - Yellow-wattled Lapwing (2)
     tectus - Black-headed Lapwing (3)
     albiceps - White-crowned Lapwing (3)
     lugubris - Senegal Lapwing (1)
     melanopterus - Black-winged Lapwing (3)
     coronatus - Crowned Lapwing (6)
     senegallus - African Wattled Lapwing (6)
     melanocephalus - Spot-breasted Lapwing (2)
     superciliosus - Brown-chested Lapwing (2)
     cinereus - Grey-headed Lapwing (3)
     indicus - Red-wattled Lapwing (3)
     macropterus - Javan Lapwing (2)
     tricolor - Banded Lapwing (2)
     miles - Masked Lapwing (8)
     gregarius - Sociable Lapwing (6)
     leucurus - White-tailed Lapwing (3)
     cayanus - Pied Plover (2)
     chilensis - Southern Lapwing (3)
     resplendens - Andean Lapwing (3)


     obscurus - New Zealand Plover (3)
     mongolus - Lesser Sand Plover (5)
     leschenaultii - Greater Sand Plover (6)
     asiaticus - Caspian Plover (3)
     collaris - Collared Plover (3)
     alticola - Puna Plover (1)
     falklandicus - Two-banded Plover (1)
     bicinctus - Double-banded Plover (2)
     pecuarius - Kittlitz's Plover (3)
     ruficapillus - Red-capped Plover (4)
     peronii - Malaysian Plover (2)
     alexandrinus - Kentish Plover (5)
     nivosus - Snowy plover (4)
     javanicus - Javan Plover (1)
     wilsonia - Wilson's Plover (2)
     hiaticula - Common Ringed Plover (6)
     semipalmatus - Semipalmated Plover (3)
     placidus - Long-billed Plover (1)
     melodus - Piping Plover (2)
     thoracicus - Madagascar Plover (1)
     dubius - Little Ringed Plover (10)
     tricollaris - Three-banded Plover (5)
     forbesi - Forbes's Plover (1)
     marginatus - White-fronted Plover (7)
     pallidus - Chestnut-banded Plover (3)
     vociferus - Killdeer (5)
     montanus - Mountain Plover (1)
     veredus - Oriental Plover (2)
     morinellus - Eurasian Dotterel (3)
     sanctaehelenae - St. Helena Plover (2)
     modestus - Rufous-chested Plover (1)


     cinctus - Red-kneed Dotterel (3)


     cucullatus - Hooded Plover (4)
     novaeseelandiae - Shore Dotterel (2)


     melanops - Black-fronted Dotterel (2)


     australis - Inland Plover (3)


     frontalis - Wrybill (3)


     mitchellii - Diademed Plover (2)

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