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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Sandpipers and Snipes

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Scolopacidae

You can get "Checklist of the Sandpipers and Snipes of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Snipes is distributed worldwide, most of the species are migratory birds that sometimes cover great distances. The body length ranges from 13 cm to 60 cm. They usually live near water and outside the breeding season often form large flocks on the seashore. The diet consists of small invertebrates. The young birds leave the nest immediately after hatching.


     longicauda - Upland Sandpiper (4)


     tahitiensis - Bristle-thighed Curlew (4)
     phaeopus - Whimbrel (12)
     minutus - Little Curlew (3)
     borealis - Eskimo Curlew (4)
     americanus - Long-billed Curlew (6)
     madagascariensis - Eastern Curlew (2)
     tenuirostris - Slender-billed Curlew (5)
     arquata - Eurasian Curlew (9)


     lapponica - Bar-tailed Godwit (8)
     limosa - Black-tailed Godwit (13)
     haemastica - Hudsonian Godwit (4)
     fedoa - Marbled Godwit (4)


     interpres - Ruddy Turnstone (9)
     melanocephala - Black Turnstone (2)


     cancellata - Kiritimati Sandpiper (4)
     leucoptera - Tahiti Sandpiper (3)
     ellisi - Moorea Sandpiper (1)
     parvirostris - Tuamotu Sandpiper (1)


     tenuirostris - Great Knot (4)
     canutus - Red Knot (6)
     virgata - Surfbird (4)
     pugnax - Ruff (17)
     falcinellus - Broad-billed Sandpiper (5)
     acuminata - Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (3)
     himantopus - Stilt Sandpiper (5)
     ferruginea - Curlew Sandpiper (6)
     temminckii - Temminck's Stint (3)
     subminuta - Long-toed Stint (1)
     pygmea - Spoon-billed Sandpiper (5)
     ruficollis - Red-necked Stint (2)
     alba - Sanderling (10)
     alpina - Dunlin (11)
     ptilocnemis - Rock Sandpiper (3)
     maritima - Purple Sandpiper (4)
     bairdii - Baird's Sandpiper (3)
     minuta - Little Stint (5)
     minutilla - Least Sandpiper (4)
     fuscicollis - White-rumped Sandpiper (3)
     subruficollis - Buff-breasted Sandpiper (4)
     melanotos - Pectoral Sandpiper (6)
     pusilla - Semipalmated Sandpiper (5)
     mauri - Western Sandpiper (2)


     semipalmatus - Asian Dowitcher (2)
     griseus - Short-billed Dowitcher (5)
     scolopaceus - Long-billed Dowitcher (5)


     minimus - Jack Snipe (4)


     rusticola - Eurasian Woodcock (7)
     mira - Amami Woodcock (1)
     bukidnonensis - Bukidnon Woodcock (1)
     saturata - Javan Woodcock (2)
     rosenbergii - New Guinea Woodcock (1)
     celebensis - Sulawesi Woodcock (1)
     rochussenii - Moluccan Woodcock (1)
     minor - American Woodcock (4)


     barrierensis - North Island Snipe (1)
     iredalei - South Island Snipe (1)
     chathamica - Forbes's Snipe (1)
     pusilla - Chatham Snipe (1)
     huegeli - Snares Island Snipe (1)
     aucklandica - Subantarctic Snipe (3)


     imperialis - Imperial Snipe (1)
     jamesoni - Andean Snipe (1)
     stricklandii - Fuegian Snipe (2)
     solitaria - Solitary Snipe (3)
     hardwickii - Latham's Snipe (2)
     nemoricola - Wood Snipe (3)
     media - Great Snipe (4)
     gallinago - Common Snipe (8)
     delicata - Wilson's Snipe (6)
     paraguaiae - South American Snipe (2)
     andina - Puna Snipe (1)
     nobilis - Noble Snipe (1)
     stenura - Pin-tailed Snipe (4)
     megala - Swinhoe's Snipe (3)
     nigripennis - African Snipe (3)
     macrodactyla - Madagascar Snipe (1)
     undulata - Giant Snipe (1)


     cinereus - Terek Sandpiper (4)


     tricolor - Wilson's Phalarope (7)
     lobatus - Red-necked Phalarope (5)
     fulicarius - Red Phalarope (8)


     hypoleucos - Common Sandpiper (8)
     macularius - Spotted Sandpiper (6)


     ochropus - Green Sandpiper (4)
     solitaria - Solitary Sandpiper (5)
     brevipes - Grey-tailed Tattler (3)
     incana - Wandering Tattler (6)
     erythropus - Spotted Redshank (6)
     melanoleuca - Greater Yellowlegs (3)
     nebularia - Common Greenshank (8)
     guttifer - Nordmann's Greenshank (2)
     semipalmata - Willet (5)
     flavipes - Lesser Yellowlegs (6)
     stagnatilis - Marsh Sandpiper (6)
     glareola - Wood Sandpiper (9)
     totanus - Common Redshank (11)

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