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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Pigeons and Doves

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Columbidae

You can get "Checklist of the Pigeons and Doves of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Pigeons and Doves is found all over the world except in the coldest regions. The body lengths range from 15 cm to 84 cm. They have medium-sized wings and often a long tail. The beak is rather short and not strong. The sexes are mostly the same. Their diet is predominantly vegetarian. The naked young birds are fed 'pigeon milk', a secretion that is formed in the parents' goiter.


     livia - Common Pigeon (10)
     rupestris - Hill Pigeon (1)
     leuconota - Snow Pigeon (2)
     guinea - Speckled Pigeon (9)
     albitorques - White-collared Pigeon (1)
     oenas - Stock Dove (10)
     eversmanni - Yellow-eyed Pigeon (1)
     oliviae - Somali Pigeon (1)
     palumbus - Common Wood Pigeon (11)
     trocaz - Trocaz Pigeon (4)
     bollii - Bolle's Pigeon (2)
     unicincta - Afep Pigeon (2)
     junoniae - Laurel Pigeon (3)
     arquatrix - African Olive Pigeon (5)
     sjostedti - Cameroon Olive Pigeon (1)
     thomensis - Sao Tome Olive Pigeon (1)
     delegorguei - Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon (3)
     iriditorques - Western Bronze-naped Pigeon (2)
     malherbii - Island Bronze-naped Pigeon (1)
     larvata - Lemon Dove (3)
     pollenii - Comoros Olive Pigeon (1)
     hodgsonii - Speckled Wood Pigeon (1)
     albinucha - White-naped Pigeon (1)
     pulchricollis - Ashy Wood Pigeon (1)
     elphinstonii - Nilgiri Wood Pigeon (1)
     torringtoniae - Sri Lanka Wood Pigeon (1)
     punicea - Pale-capped Pigeon (1)
     argentina - Silvery Pigeon (1)
     palumboides - Andaman Wood Pigeon (2)
     janthina - Japanese Wood Pigeon (2)
     jouyi - Ryukyu Pigeon (1)
     versicolor - Bonin Wood-Pigeon (3)
     vitiensis - Metallic Pigeon (4)
     leucomela - White-headed Pigeon (4)
     pallidiceps - Yellow-legged Pigeon (1)


     cayennensis - Pale-vented Pigeon (2)
     speciosa - Scaled Pigeon (3)
     squamosa - Scaly-naped Pigeon (2)
     picazuro - Picazuro Pigeon (4)
     corensis - Bare-eyed Pigeon (4)
     maculosa - Spot-winged Pigeon (1)
     leucocephala - White-crowned Pigeon (5)
     flavirostris - Red-billed Pigeon (3)
     inornata - Plain Pigeon (2)
     fasciata - Band-tailed Pigeon (6)
     araucana - Chilean Pigeon (1)
     caribaea - Ring-tailed Pigeon (5)
     oenops - Maranon Pigeon (3)
     plumbea - Plumbeous Pigeon (1)
     subvinacea - Ruddy Pigeon (2)
     nigrirostris - Short-billed Pigeon (1)
     goodsoni - Dusky Pigeon (1)


     migratorius - Passenger Pigeon (5)


     mayeri - Pink Pigeon (4)


     turtur - European Turtle Dove (10)
     lugens - Dusky Turtle Dove (2)
     hypopyrrha - Adamawa Turtle Dove (1)
     orientalis - Oriental Turtle Dove (2)
     bitorquata - Island Collared Dove (1)
     dusumieri - Philippine Collared-Dove (1)
     decaocto - Eurasian Collared Dove (10)
     roseogrisea - African Collared Dove (2)
     reichenowi - White-winged Collared Dove (1)
     decipiens - Mourning Collared Dove (3)
     semitorquata - Red-eyed Dove (7)
     capicola - Ring-necked Dove (7)
     vinacea - Vinaceous Dove (2)
     tranquebarica - Red Turtle Dove (4)
     picturata - Malagasy Turtle Dove (3)
     chinensis - Spotted Dove (3)
     senegalensis - Laughing Dove (8)


     unchall - Barred Cuckoo-Dove (4)
     phasianella - Large Brown Cuckoo-Dove (3)
     macassariensis - Flores Sea Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     magna - Timor Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     timorlaoensis - Tanimbar Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     amboinensis - Brown Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     doreya - Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     rufipennis - Andaman Cuckoo-Dove (2)
     tenuirostris - Philippine Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     emiliana - Ruddy Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     cinnamomea - Enggano Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     modiglianii - Barusan Cuckoo-Dove (2)
     nigrirostris - Black-billed Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     mackinlayi - Spot-breasted Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     ruficeps - Little Cuckoo-Dove (1)


     reinwardti - Great Cuckoo-Dove (2)
     browni - Pied Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     crassirostris - Crested Cuckoo-Dove (2)


     manadensis - White-faced Dove (2)
     sulaensis - Sula Cuckoo-Dove (1)
     modesta - Black Dove (1)


     chalcospilos - Emerald-spotted Wood Dove (4)
     abyssinicus - Black-billed Wood Dove (1)
     afer - Blue-spotted Wood Dove (2)
     tympanistria - Tambourine Dove (3)
     brehmeri - Blue-headed Wood Dove (3)


     capensis - Namaqua Dove (6)


     indica - Common Emerald Dove (6)
     longirostris - Pacific Emerald Dove (3)
     stephani - Stephan's Emerald Dove (1)


     albifrons - New Guinea Bronzewing (1)
     foersteri - New Britain Bronzewing (2)


     hoedtii - Wetar Ground Dove (1)
     stairi - Tongan Ground Dove (2)
     sanctaecrucis - Santa Cruz Ground Dove (1)
     salamonis - Thick-billed Ground Dove (1)
     ferrugineus - Tanna Ground-Dove (1)
     beccarii - Bronze Ground Dove (2)
     canifrons - Palau Ground Dove (1)
     jobiensis - Purple Ground Dove (2)
     rubescens - Marquesan Ground Dove (1)
     kubaryi - White-fronted Ground Dove (1)
     erythropterus - Polynesian Ground Dove (1)
     xanthonurus - White-throated Ground Dove (3)
     norfolkensis - Norfolk Island Dove (1)


     chalcoptera - Common Bronzewing (4)
     elegans - Brush Bronzewing (2)
     histrionica - Flock Bronzewing (2)


     lophotes - Crested Pigeon (6)


     plumifera - Spinifex Pigeon (2)
     scripta - Squatter Pigeon (3)
     smithii - Partridge Pigeon (2)


     rufipennis - Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon (2)
     albipennis - White-quilled Rock Pigeon (1)


     melanoleuca - Wonga Pigeon (4)


     cuneata - Diamond Dove (3)
     striata - Zebra Dove (4)
     placida - Peaceful Dove (4)
     maugeus - Barred Dove (1)
     humeralis - Bar-shouldered Dove (2)


     inca - Inca Dove (5)
     passerina - Common Ground Dove (9)
     minuta - Plain-breasted Ground Dove (2)
     talpacoti - Ruddy Ground Dove (3)
     buckleyi - Ecuadorian Ground Dove (2)
     squammata - Scaled Dove (3)
     picui - Picui Ground Dove (3)
     cruziana - Croaking Ground Dove (1)
     cyanopis - Blue-eyed Ground Dove (2)


     pretiosa - Blue Ground Dove (3)
     mondetoura - Maroon-chested Ground Dove (1)
     geoffroyi - Purple-winged Ground-Dove (3)


     ceciliae - Bare-faced Ground Dove (2)
     morenoi - Moreno's Ground Dove (1)
     melanoptera - Black-winged Ground Dove (3)
     aymara - Golden-spotted Ground Dove (1)


     campestris - Long-tailed Ground Dove (2)


     cyanocephala - Blue-headed Quail-Dove (4)


     purpurata - Indigo-crowned Quail-Dove (1)
     saphirina - Sapphire Quail-Dove (1)
     versicolor - Crested Quail-Dove (4)
     montana - Ruddy Quail-Dove (4)
     violacea - Violaceous Quail-Dove (2)
     caniceps - Grey-fronted Quail-Dove (1)
     leucometopia - White-fronted Quail-Dove (1)
     chrysia - Key West Quail-Dove (2)
     mystacea - Bridled Quail-Dove (3)


     veraguensis - Olive-backed Quail-Dove (4)


     verreauxi - White-tipped Dove (3)
     jamaicensis - Caribbean Dove (3)
     cassinii - Grey-chested Dove (3)
     conoveri - Tolima Dove (1)
     ochraceiventris - Ochre-bellied Dove (1)
     plumbeiceps - Grey-headed Dove (3)
     rufaxilla - Grey-fronted Dove (1)
     wellsi - Grenada Dove (2)
     pallida - Pallid Dove (1)
     megalura - Yungas Dove (1)


     carrikeri - Tuxtla Quail-Dove (1)
     costaricensis - Buff-fronted Quail-Dove (1)
     lawrencii - Purplish-backed Quail-Dove (2)
     albifacies - White-faced Quail-Dove (1)
     frenata - White-throated Quail-Dove (2)
     linearis - Lined Quail-Dove (1)
     chiriquensis - Chiriquí Quail-Dove (1)
     goldmani - Russet-crowned Quail-Dove (1)


     meloda - West Peruvian Dove (1)
     asiatica - White-winged Dove (5)
     aurita - Zenaida Dove (3)
     galapagoensis - Galapagos Dove (2)
     auriculata - Eared Dove (2)
     macroura - Mourning Dove (9)
     graysoni - Socorro Dove (6)


     nicobarica - Nicobar Pigeon (5)
     maculata - Liverpool Pigeon (3)


     cucullatus - Dodo (5)


     solitaria - Rodriguez Solitaire (2)


     tristigmata - Sulawesi Ground Dove (3)
     rufigula - Cinnamon Ground Dove (2)
     platenae - Mindoro Bleeding-heart (1)
     keayi - Negros Bleeding-heart (1)
     menagei - Sulu Bleeding-heart (1)
     luzonica - Luzon Bleeding-heart (2)
     crinigera - Mindanao Bleeding-heart (5)


     meeki - Choiseul Pigeon (3)


     terrestris - Thick-billed Ground Pigeon (2)


     nobilis - Pheasant Pigeon (10)


     cristata - Western Crowned Pigeon (3)
     scheepmakeri - Southern Crowned Pigeon (4)
     victoria - Victoria Crowned Pigeon (2)


     strigirostris - Tooth-billed Pigeon (4)


     leucotis - White-eared Brown Dove (3)
     amethystinus - Amethyst Brown Dove (2)
     brunneiceps - Mindanao Brown-Dove (1)
     cinereiceps - Dark-eared Brown Dove (1)


     olax - Little Green Pigeon (2)
     vernans - Pink-necked Green Pigeon (5)
     fulvicollis - Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon (1)
     bicinctus - Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (1)
     pompadora - Pompadour Green Pigeon (1)
     affinis - Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon (1)
     chloropterus - Andaman Green-Pigeon (1)
     phayrei - Ashy-headed Green-Pigeon (2)
     axillaris - Philippine Green Pigeon (4)
     aromaticus - Buru Green Pigeon (1)
     curvirostra - Thick-billed Green Pigeon (2)
     griseicauda - Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon (2)
     teysmannii - Sumba Green Pigeon (1)
     floris - Flores Green Pigeon (1)
     psittaceus - Timor Green Pigeon (1)
     capellei - Large Green Pigeon (2)
     phoenicopterus - Yellow-footed Green Pigeon (2)
     waalia - Bruce's Green Pigeon (2)
     australis - Madagascar Green Pigeon (3)
     pembaensis - Pemba Green Pigeon (1)
     sanctithomae - Sao Tome Green Pigeon (2)
     seimundi - Yellow-vented Green Pigeon (2)
     apicauda - Pin-tailed Green Pigeon (1)
     calvus - African Green Pigeon (3)
     oxyurus - Sumatran Green Pigeon (1)
     sphenurus - Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon (1)
     sieboldii - White-bellied Green Pigeon (1)
     formosae - Whistling Green Pigeon (1)


     cinctus - Banded Fruit Dove (1)
     alligator - Black-banded Fruit-Dove (1)
     dohertyi - Red-naped Fruit Dove (1)
     porphyreus - Pink-headed Fruit Dove (4)
     occipitalis - Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove (2)
     marchei - Flame-breasted Fruit Dove (1)
     merrilli - Cream-breasted Fruit Dove (1)
     fischeri - Red-eared Fruit Dove (1)
     jambu - Jambu Fruit Dove (3)
     epius - Maroon-chinned Fruit-Dove (2)
     subgularis - Banggai Fruit-Dove (1)
     mangoliensis - Sula Fruit-Dove (1)
     leclancheri - Black-chinned Fruit Dove (3)
     bernsteinii - Scarlet-breasted Fruit Dove (1)
     magnificus - Wompoo Fruit Dove (3)
     perlatus - Pink-spotted Fruit Dove (4)
     ornatus - Ornate Fruit Dove (2)
     tannensis - Tanna Fruit Dove (1)
     aurantiifrons - Orange-fronted Fruit Dove (1)
     wallacii - Wallace's Fruit Dove (1)
     superbus - Superb Fruit Dove (6)
     perousii - Many-colored Fruit Dove (2)
     ponapensis - Purple-capped Fruit-Dove (1)
     hernsheimi - Kosrae Fruit-Dove (1)
     porphyraceus - Crimson-crowned Fruit Dove (2)
     pelewensis - Palau Fruit Dove (1)
     rarotongensis - Lilac-crowned Fruit Dove (1)
     roseicapilla - Mariana Fruit Dove (3)
     regina - Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (6)
     richardsii - Silver-capped Fruit Dove (1)
     purpuratus - Grey-green Fruit Dove (2)
     chalcurus - Makatea Fruit Dove (1)
     coralensis - Atoll Fruit Dove (1)
     greyi - Red-bellied Fruit Dove (1)
     huttoni - Rapa Fruit Dove (2)
     dupetithouarsii - White-capped Fruit Dove (2)
     mercierii - Moustached Fruit Dove (2)
     insularis - Scarlet-capped Fruit Dove (1)
     coronulatus - Coroneted Fruit Dove (1)
     pulchellus - Beautiful Fruit Dove (4)
     monacha - Blue-capped Fruit Dove (1)
     rivoli - White-bibbed Fruit Dove (2)
     solomonensis - Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove (4)
     viridis - Claret-breasted Fruit Dove (2)
     eugeniae - White-headed Fruit Dove (1)
     iozonus - Orange-bellied Fruit Dove (2)
     insolitus - Knob-billed Fruit Dove (1)
     hyogastrus - Grey-headed Fruit Dove (2)
     granulifrons - Carunculated Fruit Dove (1)
     melanospilus - Black-naped Fruit Dove (5)
     nainus - Dwarf Fruit Dove (3)
     arcanus - Negros Fruit Dove (1)
     victor - Orange Fruit Dove (3)
     luteovirens - Golden Fruit Dove (3)
     layardi - Whistling Fruit Dove (1)


     holosericea - Cloven-feathered Dove (2)


     nitidissimus - Mauritius Blue-Pigeon (4)
     madagascariensis - Madagascar Blue Pigeon (4)
     sganzini - Comoros Blue Pigeon (2)
     pulcherrimus - Seychelles Blue Pigeon (2)


     poliocephala - Pink-bellied Imperial Pigeon (2)
     forsteni - White-bellied Imperial Pigeon (1)
     mindorensis - Mindoro Imperial Pigeon (2)
     radiata - Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon (1)
     carola - Spotted Imperial Pigeon (1)
     aenea - Green Imperial Pigeon (5)
     nicobarica - Nicobar Imperial-Pigeon (1)
     perspicillata - Spectacled Imperial Pigeon (1)
     neglecta - Seram Imperial-Pigeon (1)
     concinna - Elegant Imperial Pigeon (3)
     pacifica - Pacific Imperial Pigeon (1)
     rubricera - Red-knobbed Imperial Pigeon (1)
     oceanica - Micronesian Imperial Pigeon (2)
     aurorae - Polynesian Imperial Pigeon (1)
     galeata - Marquesan Imperial Pigeon (1)
     myristicivora - Spice Imperial Pigeon (3)
     rufigaster - Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon (2)
     basilica - Cinnamon Imperial Pigeon (1)
     finschii - Growling Imperial Pigeon (1)
     chalconota - Shining Imperial Pigeon (1)
     pistrinaria - Floury Imperial Pigeon (1)
     rosacea - Pink-headed Imperial Pigeon (1)
     whartoni - Christmas Imperial Pigeon (2)
     pickeringii - Grey Imperial Pigeon (1)
     latrans - Barking Imperial Pigeon (3)
     brenchleyi - Chestnut-bellied Imperial Pigeon (1)
     bakeri - Vanuatu Imperial Pigeon (1)
     goliath - Goliath Imperial Pigeon (1)
     pinon - Pinon Imperial Pigeon (4)
     melanochroa - Black Imperial Pigeon (1)
     mullerii - Collared Imperial Pigeon (2)
     zoeae - Zoe Imperial Pigeon (2)
     badia - Mountain Imperial Pigeon (1)
     lacernulata - Dark-backed Imperial Pigeon (1)
     cineracea - Timor Imperial Pigeon (1)
     bicolor - Pied Imperial Pigeon (3)
     spilorrhoa - Torresian Imperial Pigeon (7)
     luctuosa - White Imperial-Pigeon (1)


     antarcticus - Topknot Pigeon (3)


     novaeseelandiae - New Zealand Pigeon (2)
     chathamensis - Chatham Island Pigeon (1)
     spadicea - Norfolk Island Pigeon (1)


     poecilorrhoa - Sombre Pigeon (2)


     albertisii - Papuan Mountain Pigeon (3)
     mada - Long-tailed Mountain Pigeon (3)
     stalkeri - Seram Mountain-Pigeon (1)
     solomonensis - Pale Mountain Pigeon (1)

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