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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Kingfishers

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Alcedinidae

You can get "Checklist of the Kingfishers of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Kingfishers are found worldwide except in the coldest areas and some islands. They are between 10 and 45 cm long. Kingfishers have a stocky body, short wings, and tiny to very long tails. The head is large, the neck short, and the beak long and thick. When hunting, they come down from a viewing point. Some species are capable of hovering flight. They breed in caves.


     hercules - Blyth's Kingfisher (1)
     atthis - Common Kingfisher (13)
     semitorquata - Half-collared Kingfisher (2)
     quadribrachys - Shining-blue Kingfisher (2)
     meninting - Blue-eared Kingfisher (1)
     euryzona - Blue-banded Kingfisher (2)
     coerulescens - Cerulean Kingfisher (2)


     azureus - Azure kingfisher (4)
     websteri - Bismarck Kingfisher (1)
     cyanopectus - Indigo-banded Kingfisher (2)
     flumenicolus - Northern Silvery-Kingfisher (1)
     argentatus - Southern Silvery Kingfisher (1)
     pusillus - Little Kingfisher (1)
     erithaca - Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher (1)
     rufidorsa - Rufous-backed Kingfisher (2)
     melanurus - Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher (2)
     fallax - Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher (2)
     margarethae - Dimorphic Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     wallacii - Sula Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     uropygialis - North Moluccan Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     lepidus - Seram Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     cajeli - Buru Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     solitarius - Papuan Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     dispar - Manus Dwarf-Kingfisher (2)
     mulcatus - New Ireland Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     sacerdotis - New Britain Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     pallidus - Bougainville Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     collectoris - New Georgia Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     meeki - North Solomons Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     malaitae - Malaita Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     nigromaxilla - Guadalcanal Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)
     gentianus - Makira Dwarf-Kingfisher (1)


     cristatus - Malachite Kingfisher (8)
     vintsioides - Malagasy Kingfisher (1)
     leucogaster - White-bellied Kingfisher (1)
     madagascariensis - Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher (1)


     picta - African Pygmy Kingfisher (6)
     lecontei - African Dwarf Kingfisher (1)


     pulchella - Banded Kingfisher (4)


     novaeguineae - Laughing Kookaburra (8)
     leachii - Blue-winged Kookaburra (7)
     tyro - Spangled Kookaburra (2)
     gaudichaud - Rufous-bellied Kookaburra (3)


     rex - Shovel-billed Kookaburra (3)


     cyanotis - Lilac Kingfisher (4)


     amauroptera - Brown-winged Kingfisher (1)
     capensis - Stork-billed Kingfisher (2)
     melanorhyncha - Great-billed Kingfisher (1)


     coromanda - Ruddy Kingfisher (1)
     badia - Chocolate-backed Kingfisher (1)
     smyrnensis - White-throated Kingfisher (7)
     gularis - Brown-breasted Kingfisher (1)
     leucocephala - Grey-headed Kingfisher (3)
     pileata - Black-capped Kingfisher (3)
     cyanoventris - Javan Kingfisher (3)
     senegalensis - Woodland Kingfisher (3)
     senegaloides - Mangrove Kingfisher (1)
     malimbica - Blue-breasted Kingfisher (2)
     albiventris - Brown-hooded Kingfisher (6)
     chelicuti - Striped Kingfisher (3)


     nigrocyaneus - Blue-black Kingfisher (2)
     winchelli - Winchell's Kingfisher (1)
     diops - Blue-and-white Kingfisher (2)
     lazuli - Lazuli Kingfisher (1)
     pyrrhopygius - Red-backed Kingfisher (3)
     macleayii - Forest Kingfisher (4)
     albonotatus - White-mantled Kingfisher (1)
     leucopygius - Ultramarine Kingfisher (1)
     farquhari - Vanuatu Kingfisher (1)
     godeffroyi - Marquesan Kingfisher (1)
     ruficollaris - Mewing Kingfisher (1)
     veneratus - Society Kingfisher (2)
     gertrudae - Niau Kingfisher (1)
     gambieri - Mangareva Kingfisher (1)
     tutus - Chattering Kingfisher (2)
     sacer - Pacific Kingfisher (4)
     pelewensis - Palau Kingfisher (1)
     cinnamominus - Guam Kingfisher (3)
     reichenbachii - Pohnpei Kingfisher (2)
     recurvirostris - Flat-billed Kingfisher (1)
     colonus - Colonist Kingfisher (1)
     sordidus - Torresian Kingfisher (3)
     sanctus - Sacred Kingfisher (5)
     chloris - Collared Kingfisher (5)
     saurophagus - Beach Kingfisher (2)
     albicilla - Mariana Kingfisher (1)
     tristrami - Melanesian Kingfisher (1)
     funebris - Sombre Kingfisher (1)
     enigma - Talaud Kingfisher (1)
     australasia - Cinnamon-banded Kingfisher (1)


     fulgidus - Glittering Kingfisher (2)


     macrorrhina - Hook-billed Kingfisher (2)


     bougainvillei - Moustached Kingfisher (2)
     concretus - Rufous-collared Kingfisher (1)
     lindsayi - Spotted Wood Kingfisher (1)
     hombroni - Hombron's Kingfisher (1)
     monachus - Green-backed Kingfisher (3)
     princeps - Scaly-breasted Kingfisher (3)


     torotoro - Yellow-billed Kingfisher (5)
     megarhyncha - Mountain Kingfisher (2)


     hydrocharis - Little Paradise Kingfisher (1)
     galatea - Galatea Paradise Kingfisher (2)
     ellioti - Kofiau Paradise Kingfisher (1)
     riedelii - Biak Paradise Kingfisher (2)
     carolinae - Cobalt Paradise Kingfisher (1)
     nympha - Fairy Paradise Kingfisher (1)
     danae - Russet Paradise Kingfisher (3)
     sylvia - Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher (1)


     maxima - Giant Kingfisher (3)
     lugubris - Crested Kingfisher (4)
     torquata - Ringed Kingfisher (4)
     alcyon - Belted Kingfisher (9)


     rudis - Pied Kingfisher (11)


     amazona - Amazon Kingfisher (7)
     americana - Green Kingfisher (6)
     inda - Green-and-rufous Kingfisher (3)
     aenea - American Pygmy Kingfisher (3)

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