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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Woodpeckers

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Picidae

You can get "Checklist of the Woodpeckers of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Woodpeckers is found worldwide, but not in Madagascar, Australia and most of the Indonesian islands. The body length ranges from 9 cm to 60 cm. The feet have 3 or 4 toes, two of which point forward. They have a chunky head and a straight, usually powerful beak. The sexes are mostly different. Woodpeckers mostly inhabit trees. Most species feed on insects, which they pull out with their long and flexible tongue. When climbing vertical logs, the stiff tail serves as a support. They make a cave in a tree to breed.


     torquilla - Eurasian Wryneck (5)
     ruficollis - Red-throated Wryneck (5)


     innominatus - Speckled Piculet (5)
     aurifrons - Bar-breasted Piculet (1)
     pumilus - Orinoco Piculet (1)
     lafresnayi - Lafresnaye's Piculet (2)
     exilis - Golden-spangled Piculet (1)
     sclateri - Ecuadorian Piculet (1)
     squamulatus - Scaled Piculet (3)
     spilogaster - White-bellied Piculet (1)
     minutissimus - Arrowhead Piculet (4)
     pygmaeus - Spotted Piculet (2)
     steindachneri - Speckle-chested Piculet (2)
     varzeae - Varzea Piculet (1)
     cirratus - White-barred Piculet (1)
     dorbignyanus - Ocellated Piculet (1)
     temminckii - Ochre-collared Piculet (5)
     albosquamatus - White-wedged Piculet (1)
     fuscus - Rusty-necked Piculet (1)
     rufiventris - Rufous-breasted Piculet (2)
     fulvescens - Tawny Piculet (1)
     limae - Ochraceous Piculet (1)
     nebulosus - Mottled Piculet (2)
     castelnau - Plain-breasted Piculet (1)
     subtilis - Fine-barred Piculet (1)
     olivaceus - Olivaceous Piculet (3)
     granadensis - Greyish Piculet (2)
     cinnamomeus - Chestnut Piculet (2)


     africana - African Piculet (1)
     abnormis - Rufous Piculet (1)
     ochracea - White-browed Piculet (3)


     micromegas - Antillean Piculet (4)


     candidus - White Woodpecker (6)
     lewis - Lewis's Woodpecker (5)
     herminieri - Guadeloupe Woodpecker (2)
     portoricensis - Puerto Rican Woodpecker (1)
     erythrocephalus - Red-headed Woodpecker (4)
     formicivorus - Acorn Woodpecker (4)
     chrysauchen - Golden-naped Woodpecker (5)
     cruentatus - Yellow-tufted Woodpecker (1)
     flavifrons - Yellow-fronted Woodpecker (3)
     pulcher - Beautiful Woodpecker (3)
     pucherani - Black-cheeked Woodpecker (6)
     cactorum - White-fronted Woodpecker (3)
     striatus - Hispaniolan Woodpecker (9)
     radiolatus - Jamaican Woodpecker (6)
     chrysogenys - Golden-cheeked Woodpecker (5)
     hypopolius - Grey-breasted Woodpecker (5)
     pygmaeus - Yucatan Woodpecker (2)
     rubricapillus - Red-crowned Woodpecker (3)
     uropygialis - Gila Woodpecker (4)
     hoffmannii - Hoffmann's Woodpecker (2)
     aurifrons - Golden-fronted Woodpecker (5)
     carolinus - Red-bellied Woodpecker (5)
     superciliaris - West Indian Woodpecker (2)


     thyroideus - Williamson's Sapsucker (3)
     varius - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (5)
     nuchalis - Red-naped Sapsucker (3)
     ruber - Red-breasted Sapsucker (7)


     percussus - Cuban Green Woodpecker (4)


     punctuligera - Fine-spotted Woodpecker (4)
     nubica - Nubian Woodpecker (5)
     bennettii - Bennett's Woodpecker (3)
     scriptoricauda - Speckle-throated Woodpecker (1)
     abingoni - Golden-tailed Woodpecker (4)
     mombassica - Mombasa Woodpecker (3)
     notata - Knysna Woodpecker (3)
     maculosa - Little Green Woodpecker (1)
     cailliautii - Green-backed Woodpecker (3)
     tullbergi - Tullberg's Woodpecker (1)
     nivosa - Buff-spotted Woodpecker (2)
     caroli - Brown-eared Woodpecker (2)


     olivaceus - Ground Woodpecker (5)


     elachus - Little Grey Woodpecker (1)
     poecilolaemus - Speckle-breasted Woodpecker (1)
     abyssinicus - Abyssinian Woodpecker (5)
     fuscescens - Cardinal Woodpecker (4)
     lugubris - Melancholy Woodpecker (1)
     gabonensis - Gabon Woodpecker (2)
     stierlingi - Stierling's Woodpecker (1)
     namaquus - Bearded Woodpecker (2)
     pyrrhogaster - Fire-bellied Woodpecker (3)
     xantholophus - Yellow-crested Woodpecker (3)
     elliotii - Elliot's Woodpecker (2)
     goertae - African Grey Woodpecker (12)
     spodocephalus - African Grey-headed Woodpecker (1)
     griseocephalus - Olive Woodpecker (5)
     obsoletus - Brown-backed Woodpecker (3)


     temminckii - Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker (3)
     maculatus - Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker (1)
     ramsayi - Ramsay's Pygmy Woodpecker (1)
     nanus - Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker (2)
     moluccensis - Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker (1)
     canicapillus - Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker (4)
     kizuki - Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker (3)
     minor - Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (6)
     auriceps - Brown-fronted Woodpecker (3)
     macei - Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker (1)
     analis - Freckle-breasted Woodpecker (1)
     atratus - Stripe-breasted Woodpecker (1)
     mahrattensis - Yellow-crowned Woodpecker (2)
     dorae - Arabian Woodpecker (1)
     hyperythrus - Rufous-bellied Woodpecker (4)
     cathpharius - Crimson-breasted Woodpecker (3)
     darjellensis - Darjeeling Woodpecker (3)
     medius - Middle Spotted Woodpecker (8)
     leucotos - White-backed Woodpecker (6)
     major - Great Spotted Woodpecker (14)
     syriacus - Syrian Woodpecker (6)
     leucopterus - White-winged Woodpecker (1)
     assimilis - Sind Woodpecker (1)
     himalayensis - Himalayan Woodpecker (5)


     scalaris - Ladder-backed Woodpecker (4)
     nuttallii - Nuttall's Woodpecker (2)
     pubescens - Downy Woodpecker (4)
     fumigatus - Smoky-brown Woodpecker (2)
     villosus - Hairy Woodpecker (4)
     arizonae - Arizona Woodpecker (1)
     stricklandi - Strickland's Woodpecker (5)
     borealis - Red-cockaded Woodpecker (4)
     albolarvatus - White-headed Woodpecker (4)
     tridactylus - Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker (9)
     dorsalis - American Three-toed Woodpecker (5)
     arcticus - Black-backed Woodpecker (3)


     kirkii - Red-rumped Woodpecker (2)
     cassini - Golden-collared Woodpecker (1)
     spilogaster - White-spotted Woodpecker (4)
     mixtus - Checkered Woodpecker (5)
     lignarius - Striped Woodpecker (5)
     sanguineus - Blood-colored Woodpecker (2)
     passerinus - Little Woodpecker (3)
     frontalis - Dot-fronted Woodpecker (1)
     callonotus - Scarlet-backed Woodpecker (2)
     dignus - Yellow-vented Woodpecker (2)
     nigriceps - Bar-bellied Woodpecker (1)
     affinis - Red-stained Woodpecker (1)
     chocoensis - Choco Woodpecker (1)
     maculifrons - Yellow-eared Woodpecker (1)


     simplex - Rufous-winged Woodpecker (1)
     callopterus - Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (1)
     leucolaemus - White-throated Woodpecker (4)
     litae - Lita Woodpecker (1)
     flavigula - Yellow-throated Woodpecker (1)
     chrysochloros - Golden-green Woodpecker (1)
     aurulentus - Yellow-browed Woodpecker (1)


     rubiginosus - Golden-olive Woodpecker (4)
     auricularis - Grey-crowned Woodpecker (3)
     rivolii - Crimson-mantled Woodpecker (5)
     atricollis - Black-necked Woodpecker (3)
     punctigula - Spot-breasted Woodpecker (5)
     melanochloros - Green-barred Woodpecker (4)
     auratus - Northern Flicker (8)
     chrysoides - Gilded Flicker (5)
     fernandinae - Fernandina's Flicker (4)
     pitius - Chilean Flicker (1)
     rupicola - Andean Flicker (3)
     campestris - Campo Flicker (6)


     loricatus - Cinnamon Woodpecker (1)
     torquatus - Ringed Woodpecker (1)
     galeatus - Helmeted Woodpecker (1)
     castaneus - Chestnut-colored Woodpecker (4)
     grammicus - Scaly-breasted Woodpecker (3)
     undatus - Waved Woodpecker (2)
     flavus - Cream-colored Woodpecker (1)
     spectabilis - Rufous-headed Woodpecker (2)
     obrieni - Piaui Woodpecker (1)
     elegans - Chestnut Woodpecker (1)
     lugubris - Pale-crested Woodpecker (1)
     flavescens - Blond-crested Woodpecker (4)


     lineatus - Lineated Woodpecker (4)
     pileatus - Pileated Woodpecker (5)
     schulzi - Black-bodied Woodpecker (1)
     javensis - White-bellied Woodpecker (3)
     hodgei - Andaman Woodpecker (1)
     martius - Black Woodpecker (8)


     pollens - Powerful Woodpecker (4)
     haematogaster - Crimson-bellied Woodpecker (4)
     rubricollis - Red-necked Woodpecker (5)
     robustus - Robust Woodpecker (6)
     melanoleucos - Crimson-crested Woodpecker (5)
     guatemalensis - Pale-billed Woodpecker (6)
     gayaquilensis - Guayaquil Woodpecker (3)
     leucopogon - Cream-backed Woodpecker (5)
     magellanicus - Magellanic Woodpecker (4)
     principalis - Ivory-billed Woodpecker (6)
     imperialis - Imperial Woodpecker (5)


     miniaceus - Banded Woodpecker (2)
     chlorolophus - Lesser Yellownape (4)
     puniceus - Crimson-winged Woodpecker (1)
     flavinucha - Greater Yellownape (1)
     mentalis - Checker-throated Woodpecker (3)
     viridanus - Streak-breasted Woodpecker (2)
     vittatus - Laced Woodpecker (3)
     xanthopygaeus - Streak-throated Woodpecker (3)
     squamatus - Scaly-bellied Woodpecker (1)
     awokera - Japanese Green Woodpecker (2)
     viridis - European Green Woodpecker (8)
     vaillantii - Levaillant's Woodpecker (4)
     rabieri - Red-collared Woodpecker (4)
     erythropygius - Black-headed Woodpecker (4)
     canus - Grey-headed Woodpecker (6)


     rafflesii - Olive-backed Woodpecker (5)
     shorii - Himalayan Goldenback (2)
     javanense - Common Goldenback (2)
     everetti - Spot-throated Flameback (1)
     benghalense - Lesser Goldenback (1)


     grantia - Pale-headed Woodpecker (4)
     viridis - Bamboo Woodpecker (2)


     brachyurus - Rufous Woodpecker (3)


     tristis - Buff-rumped Woodpecker (2)
     jugularis - Black-and-buff Woodpecker (1)
     tukki - Buff-necked Woodpecker (1)


     guttacristatus - Greater Flameback (1)
     strictus - Javan Flameback (5)
     haematribon - Luzon Flameback (1)
     xanthocephalus - Yellow-faced Flameback (1)
     lucidus - Greater Goldenback (3)
     erythrocephalus - Red-headed Flameback (1)
     stricklandi - Crimson-backed Flameback (1)
     festivus - White-naped Woodpecker (1)


     noguchii - Okinawa Woodpecker (3)


     rubiginosus - Maroon Woodpecker (4)
     pyrrhotis - Bay Woodpecker (1)


     validus - Orange-backed Woodpecker (7)


     concretus - Grey-and-buff Woodpecker (3)
     canente - Heart-spotted Woodpecker (5)


     fulvus - Ashy Woodpecker (2)
     funebris - Northern Sooty Woodpecker (3)
     fuliginosus - Southern Sooty-Woodpecker (2)
     pulverulentus - Great Slaty Woodpecker (3)

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