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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Falcons

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Falconidae

You can get "Checklist of the Falcons of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Falcons is found on every continent except Antarctica. Their length ranges from 15 cm to 65 cm. Hawks have long, pointed wings, a half-length tail and short legs that end in long toes with curved claws. The beak is short and usually has a so-called 'falcon tooth' in the upper beak. The flight is determined and fast. Some species strike their prey in flight after a chase, while other species take them on the ground after diving. In fact, the fastest fliers among birds belong to this family.


     ruficollis - Barred Forest Falcon (3)
     plumbeus - Plumbeous Forest Falcon (1)
     gilvicollis - Lined Forest Falcon (1)
     mintoni - Cryptic Forest Falcon (1)
     mirandollei - Slaty-backed Forest Falcon (1)
     semitorquatus - Collared Forest Falcon (2)
     buckleyi - Buckley's Forest Falcon (1)


     ater - Black Caracara (2)


     americanus - Red-throated Caracara (3)


     carunculatus - Carunculated Caracara (1)
     megalopterus - Mountain Caracara (2)
     albogularis - White-throated Caracara (1)
     australis - Striated Caracara (5)


     cheriway - Northern Crested Caracara (8)
     plancus - Southern Crested Caracara (3)
     lutosa - Guadalupe Caracara (1)


     chimachima - Yellow-headed Caracara (5)
     chimango - Chimango Caracara (4)


     cachinnans - Laughing Falcon (5)


     circumcincta - Spot-winged Falconet (2)


     semitorquatus - Pygmy Falcon (6)
     insignis - White-rumped Falcon (3)


     caerulescens - Collared Falconet (2)
     fringillarius - Black-thighed Falconet (3)
     latifrons - White-fronted Falconet (1)
     erythrogenys - Philippine Falconet (1)
     melanoleucos - Pied Falconet (1)


     naumanni - Lesser Kestrel (19)
     tinnunculus - Common Kestrel (16)
     rupicolus - Rock Kestrel (2)
     newtoni - Malagasy Kestrel (2)
     punctatus - Mauritius Kestrel (2)
     araeus - Seychelles Kestrel (2)
     moluccensis - Spotted Kestrel (1)
     cenchroides - Nankeen Kestrel (3)
     rupicoloides - Greater Kestrel (3)
     sparverius - American Kestrel (9)
     alopex - Fox Kestrel (1)
     ardosiaceus - Grey Kestrel (2)
     dickinsoni - Dickinson's Kestrel (1)
     zoniventris - Banded Kestrel (1)
     chicquera - Red-necked Falcon (3)
     vespertinus - Red-footed Falcon (12)
     amurensis - Amur Falcon (6)
     eleonorae - Eleonora's Falcon (6)
     concolor - Sooty Falcon (4)
     columbarius - Merlin (11)
     subbuteo - Eurasian Hobby (7)
     cuvierii - African Hobby (1)
     severus - Oriental Hobby (2)
     longipennis - Australian Hobby (1)
     novaeseelandiae - New Zealand Falcon (2)
     berigora - Brown Falcon (2)
     hypoleucos - Grey Falcon (1)
     subniger - Black Falcon (1)
     femoralis - Aplomado Falcon (5)
     rufigularis - Bat Falcon (4)
     deiroleucus - Orange-breasted Falcon (2)
     biarmicus - Lanner Falcon (9)
     jugger - Laggar Falcon (5)
     cherrug - Saker Falcon (7)
     rusticolus - Gyrfalcon (5)
     peregrinus - Peregrine Falcon (14)
     mexicanus - Prairie Falcon (2)
     fasciinucha - Taita Falcon (2)

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