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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Tapaculos

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Rhinocryptidae

You can get "Checklist of the Tapaculos of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Tapaculos is limited to Central and South America. Their height ranges from 10 cm to 24 cm. They have plump bodies, small round wings, and a relatively long tail that is usually stilted. The legs are quite long with large, powerful feet and long claws. The lid-like closures of the nostrils, which led to the family's Latin name, are remarkable. Tapaculos very rarely fly, but they run around nimbly. With some species the calls are surprisingly loud. They live on insects and seeds, which they scratch the ground for. Their nests are always well hidden in cavities or crevices.


     castaneus - Chestnut-throated Huet-huet (1)
     tarnii - Black-throated Huet-huet (3)
     megapodius - Moustached Turca (1)


     albicollis - White-throated Tapaculo (1)
     rubecula - Chucao Tapaculo (3)


     thoracicus - Rusty-belted Tapaculo (2)


     orthonyx - Ocellated Tapaculo (4)


     lanceolata - Crested Gallito (3)


     fuscus - Sandy Gallito (2)


     guttatus - Spotted Bamboowren (1)


     ater - Slaty Bristlefront (4)
     stresemanni - Stresemann's Bristlefront (1)


     paradoxa - Ochre-flanked Tapaculo (2)


     senilis - Ash-colored Tapaculo (1)


     indigoticus - White-breasted Tapaculo (3)
     psychopompus - Bahia Tapaculo (1)


     latrans - Blackish Tapaculo (2)
     gettyae - Junin Tapaculo (1)
     unicolor - Unicolored Tapaculo (1)
     parvirostris - Trilling Tapaculo (1)
     gonzagai - Boa Nova Tapaculo (1)
     speluncae - Mouse-colored Tapaculo (1)
     petrophilus - Rock Tapaculo (1)
     diamantinensis - Diamantina Tapaculo (1)
     pachecoi - Planalto Tapaculo (1)
     iraiensis - Marsh Tapaculo (1)
     macropus - Large-footed Tapaculo (1)
     sanctaemartae - Santa Marta Tapaculo (1)
     micropterus - Long-tailed Tapaculo (1)
     femoralis - Rufous-vented Tapaculo (1)
     atratus - Northern White-crowned Tapaculo (1)
     bolivianus - Bolivian White-crowned Tapaculo (1)
     panamensis - Tacarcuna Tapaculo (1)
     chocoensis - Choco Tapaculo (1)
     rodriguezi - Upper Magdalena Tapaculo (1)
     stilesi - Stiles's Tapaculo (1)
     robbinsi - El Oro Tapaculo (1)
     alvarezlopezi - Tatama Tapaculo (1)
     vicinior - Narino Tapaculo (1)
     latebricola - Brown-rumped Tapaculo (1)
     perijanus - Perija Tapaculo (1)
     meridanus - Merida Tapaculo (1)
     argentifrons - Silvery-fronted Tapaculo (1)
     caracae - Caracas Tapaculo (1)
     spillmanni - Spillmann's Tapaculo (1)
     parkeri - Chusquea Tapaculo (1)
     novacapitalis - Brasilia Tapaculo (1)
     magellanicus - Magellanic Tapaculo (1)
     griseicollis - Rufous-rumped Tapaculo (1)
     altirostris - Neblina Tapaculo (1)
     affinis - Ancash Tapaculo (1)
     acutirostris - Tschudi's Tapaculo (1)
     urubambae - Vilcabamba Tapaculo (1)
     simonsi - Puna Tapaculo (1)
     zimmeri - Zimmer's Tapaculo (1)
     superciliaris - White-browed Tapaculo (2)
     fuscus - Dusky Tapaculo (2)
     canus - Paramillo Tapaculo (1)
     opacus - Paramo Tapaculo (1)
     schulenbergi - Diademed Tapaculo (1)

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