AVITOPIA - Wattled Ploughbill
Scientific system: Clements et al.
Familia: Eulacestomatidae
You can get "Checklist of the Wattled Ploughbill of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.
The only species in the Family of Wattled Ploughbills is endemic to New Guinea. This family was only established in 2014. Wattled ploughbills reach a body length of 12.5 to 14 cm. Only the male has pink wattles on his face. The soot-black beak is deep and compressed on the sides. They live in forests and adjacent areas in the mountains. They look for their food up to a height of 10 m above the ground, especially in bamboo thickets. They often hang upside down from the branches and search the undersides of the leaves for insects or tear off the bark to reveal prey. The breeding biology is largely unknown.
nigropectus - Wattled Ploughbill (5)
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