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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Shrikes

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Laniidae

You can get "Checklist of the Shrikes of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Shrikes is found in North America, Eurasia, and Africa. Some species are downright long-distance migrants. The body length ranges from 14 cm to 50 cm. They are slender birds with a long, narrow tail. The head is large with a strong beak with a hook at the tip and tomial teeth on the sides. They are good fliers and very aggressive. From a viewing point they pounce on insects, small reptiles, birds and mammals. They are known to impale their prey on a thorn. The nest is a bowl made of twigs, grass and leaves in a bush or tree.


     tigrinus - Tiger Shrike (3)
     bucephalus - Bull-headed Shrike (3)
     collurio - Red-backed Shrike (7)
     phoenicuroides - Red-tailed Shrike (2)
     isabellinus - Isabelline Shrike (4)
     cristatus - Brown Shrike (4)
     collurioides - Burmese Shrike (2)
     gubernator - Emin's Shrike (2)
     vittatus - Bay-backed Shrike (2)
     schach - Long-tailed Shrike (2)
     tephronotus - Grey-backed Shrike (2)
     validirostris - Mountain Shrike (1)
     ludovicianus - Loggerhead Shrike (5)
     excubitor - Great Grey Shrike (7)
     borealis - Northern Shrike (6)
     meridionalis - Southern Grey Shrike (5)
     minor - Lesser Grey Shrike (5)
     sphenocercus - Chinese Grey Shrike (1)
     excubitoroides - Grey-backed Fiscal (4)
     cabanisi - Long-tailed Fiscal (5)
     dorsalis - Taita Fiscal (1)
     somalicus - Somali Fiscal (1)
     mackinnoni - Mackinnon's Shrike (1)
     humeralis - Northern Fiscal (1)
     collaris - Common Fiscal (8)
     souzae - Souza's Shrike (1)
     newtoni - Sao Tome Fiscal (1)
     nubicus - Masked Shrike (5)
     senator - Woodchat Shrike (5)


     corvina - Yellow-billed Shrike (6)
     melanoleuca - Magpie Shrike (6)


     ruppelli - Northern White-crowned Shrike (5)
     anguitimens - Southern White-crowned Shrike (5)

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