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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Wrens

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Troglodytidae

You can get "Checklist of the Wrens of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Wrens is found across America, Europe, and much of Asia. The small birds (10 cm to 22 cm) have short wings and strong legs and feet. The plumage is colored in different shades of brown with bands and spots. Most species fly little, but some can run quickly. They mainly eat insects, spiders and other invertebrates. They sing very lively and fiercely defend their territory.


     obsoletus - Rock Wren (4)


     philomela - Northern Nightingale-Wren (2)
     marginatus - Southern Nightingale-Wren (3)
     ustulatus - Flutist Wren (2)
     bambla - Wing-banded Wren (1)


     branickii - Grey-mantled Wren (2)
     cinereus - Tooth-billed Wren (1)


     mexicanus - Canyon Wren (3)


     sumichrasti - Sumichrast's Wren (2)
     navai - Nava's Wren (1)


     cerverai - Zapata Wren (2)


     aedon - House Wren (7)
     cobbi - Cobb's Wren (1)
     sissonii - Socorro Wren (1)
     tanneri - Clarion Wren (1)
     rufociliatus - Rufous-browed Wren (1)
     ochraceus - Ochraceous Wren (1)
     solstitialis - Mountain Wren (1)
     monticola - Santa Marta Wren (1)
     rufulus - Tepui Wren (1)
     troglodytes - Eurasian Wren (12)
     pacificus - Pacific Wren (2)
     hiemalis - Winter Wren (2)


     browni - Timberline Wren (1)


     platensis - Sedge Wren (3)
     meridae - Merida Wren (1)
     apolinari - Apolinar's Wren (1)
     palustris - Marsh Wren (3)


     ludovicianus - Carolina Wren (4)


     bewickii - Bewick's Wren (5)


     albobrunneus - White-headed Wren (1)
     zonatus - Band-backed Wren (3)
     megalopterus - Grey-barred Wren (1)
     chiapensis - Giant Wren (1)
     rufinucha - Rufous-naped Wren (3)
     gularis - Spotted Wren (4)
     jocosus - Boucard's Wren (1)
     yucatanicus - Yucatan Wren (1)
     brunneicapillus - Cactus Wren (6)
     nuchalis - Stripe-backed Wren (3)
     fasciatus - Fasciated Wren (1)
     griseus - Bicolored Wren (1)
     turdinus - Thrush-like Wren (2)


     spadix - Sooty-headed Wren (1)
     fasciatoventris - Black-bellied Wren (2)
     euophrys - Plain-tailed Wren (1)
     eisenmanni - Inca Wren (1)
     mystacalis - Whiskered Wren (1)
     genibarbis - Moustached Wren (1)
     coraya - Coraya Wren (2)
     rutilus - Rufous-breasted Wren (4)
     maculipectus - Spot-breasted Wren (1)
     sclateri - Speckle-breasted Wren (1)
     felix - Happy Wren (2)
     atrogularis - Black-throated Wren (1)


     sinaloa - Sinaloa Wren (1)
     pleurostictus - Banded Wren (1)
     rufalbus - Rufous-and-white Wren (2)
     sernai - Antioquia Wren (1)
     nicefori - Niceforo's Wren (1)


     thoracicus - Stripe-breasted Wren (2)
     leucopogon - Stripe-throated Wren (1)
     modestus - Plain Wren (1)
     zeledoni - Canebrake Wren (1)
     elutus - Isthmian Wren (1)
     semibadius - Riverside Wren (1)
     nigricapillus - Bay Wren (1)
     superciliaris - Superciliated Wren (1)
     leucotis - Buff-breasted Wren (1)
     longirostris - Long-billed Wren (2)
     guarayanus - Fawn-breasted Wren (1)
     griseus - Grey Wren (1)


     unirufa - Rufous Wren (1)
     olivascens - Sepia-brown Wren (3)
     peruana - Peruvian Wren (1)
     fulva - Fulvous Wren (1)


     leucogastra - White-bellied Wren (2)


     leucosticta - White-breasted Wood Wren (1)
     leucoptera - Bar-winged Wood Wren (3)
     leucophrys - Grey-breasted Wood Wren (4)
     anachoreta - Santa Marta Wood-Wren (1)
     negreti - Munchique Wood Wren (1)


     thoracicus - Chestnut-breasted Wren (1)
     phaeocephalus - Song Wren (1)
     arada - Musician Wren (4)

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