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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Dippers

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Cinclidae

You can get "Checklist of the Dippers of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family od Dippers is found in America and Eurasia. The birds are clumsy with short wings and a short tail that is frequently cocked. The body length ranges from 14 cm to 23 cm. They have dense plumage and are well adapted to their habitat, fast-flowing mountain streams. They use their wings to swim underwater and can also walk on the bottom of the stream. They feed on invertebrates. The spherical nest is created in caves, often under a waterfall.


     cinclus - White-throated Dipper (11)
     pallasii - Brown Dipper (3)
     mexicanus - American Dipper (9)
     leucocephalus - White-capped Dipper (2)
     schulzi - Rufous-throated Dipper (2)

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