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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Bulbuls

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Pycnonotidae

You can get "Checklist of the Bulbuls of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of Bulbuls is widespread in Africa including Madagascar and in South Asia. The northern species are migratory birds. The body length ranges from 15 cm to 30 cm. They have short wings and many species have a feather crest. The Bulbuls are rather poor fliers, but move around the branches quite skillfully. Their diet is mainly vegetable, but they also eat insects. The bowl-shaped nest is built from plant material deep in the bushes. The altricial nestlings are looked after by both parents.


     importunus - Sombre Greenbul (5)


     gracilirostris - Slender-billed Greenbul (3)


     serinus - Golden Greenbul (1)


     torquatus - Black-collared Bulbul (2)


     syndactylus - Red-tailed Bristlebill (2)
     eximius - Green-tailed Bristlebill (1)
     notatus - Yellow-lored Bristlebill (2)
     canicapillus - Grey-headed Bristlebill (1)


     montana - Cameroon Greenbul (1)
     masukuensis - Shelley's Greenbul (1)
     tephrolaema - Western Greenbul (1)
     nigriceps - Mountain Greenbul (2)
     milanjensis - Stripe-cheeked Greenbul (1)


     simplex - Simple Greenbul (1)
     falkensteini - Falkenstein's Greenbul (1)
     flaviventris - Yellow-bellied Greenbul (3)
     laetissima - Joyful Greenbul (2)
     prigoginei - Prigogine's Greenbul (1)


     indicator - Honeyguide Greenbul (1)
     clamans - Sjostedt's Greenbul (2)


     flavicollis - Yellow-throated Leaflove (3)


     guttatus - Spotted Greenbul (2)


     leucopleura - Swamp Palm Bulbul (1)


     calurus - Red-tailed Greenbul (2)
     barbatus - Western Bearded Greenbul (2)
     chloronotus - Eastern Bearded Greenbul (2)
     olivaceus - Yellow-bearded Greenbul (1)
     ndussumensis - White-bearded Greenbul (1)


     gracilis - Little Grey Greenbul (2)
     ansorgei - Ansorge's Greenbul (1)
     curvirostris - Plain Greenbul (1)
     latirostris - Yellow-whiskered Greenbul (2)
     virens - Little Greenbul (2)


     scandens - Red-tailed Leaflove (1)
     terrestris - Terrestrial Brownbul (3)
     strepitans - Northern Brownbul (1)
     fulviventris - Pale-olive Bulbul (1)
     cerviniventris - Grey-olive Bulbul (1)
     baumanni - Baumann's Olive Greenbul (1)
     hypochloris - Toro Olive Greenbul (1)
     fischeri - Fischer's Greenbul (1)
     cabanisi - Cabanis's Greenbul (1)
     poensis - Cameroon Olive Greenbul (1)
     icterinus - Icterine Greenbul (1)
     leucolepis - Liberian Greenbul (1)
     lorenzi - Sassi's Olive Greenbul (1)
     xavieri - Xavier's Greenbul (1)
     albigularis - White-throated Greenbul (1)
     flavostriatus - Yellow-streaked Greenbul (2)
     poliocephalus - Grey-headed Greenbul (1)
     debilis - Tiny Greenbul (1)
     albigula - Usambara Greenbul (1)


     canifrons - Crested Finchbill (3)
     semitorques - Collared Finchbill (2)


     melanoleucos - Black-and-white Bulbul (1)
     eutilotus - Puff-backed Bulbul (1)
     atriceps - Black-headed Bulbul (2)
     fuscoflavescens - Andaman Bulbul (1)
     urostictus - Yellow-wattled Bulbul (1)
     zeylanicus - Straw-headed Bulbul (2)
     striatus - Striated Bulbul (3)
     leucogrammicus - Cream-striped Bulbul (1)
     tympanistrigus - Spot-necked Bulbul (1)
     priocephalus - Grey-headed Bulbul (1)
     gularis - Flame-throated Bulbul (1)
     melanicterus - Black-capped Bulbul (1)
     flaviventris - Black-crested Bulbul (1)
     dispar - Ruby-throated Bulbul (1)
     montis - Bornean Bulbul (1)
     taivanus - Styan's Bulbul (1)
     squamatus - Scaly-breasted Bulbul (1)
     cyaniventris - Grey-bellied Bulbul (1)
     cafer - Red-vented Bulbul (3)
     jocosus - Red-whiskered Bulbul (5)
     xanthorrhous - Brown-breasted Bulbul (1)
     sinensis - Light-vented Bulbul (1)
     barbatus - Common Bulbul (16)
     nigricans - African Red-eyed Bulbul (5)
     capensis - Cape Bulbul (4)
     xanthopygos - White-spectacled Bulbul (2)
     leucotis - White-eared Bulbul (3)
     leucogenys - Himalayan Bulbul (1)
     aurigaster - Sooty-headed Bulbul (2)
     nieuwenhuisii - Blue-wattled Bulbul (1)
     bimaculatus - Orange-spotted Bulbul (2)
     finlaysoni - Stripe-throated Bulbul (2)
     xantholaemus - Yellow-throated Bulbul (1)
     penicillatus - Yellow-eared Bulbul (2)
     flavescens - Flavescent Bulbul (1)
     luteolus - White-browed Bulbul (2)
     goiavier - Yellow-vented Bulbul (4)
     plumosus - Olive-winged Bulbul (2)
     cinereifrons - Ashy-fronted Bulbul (1)
     blanfordi - Ayeyarwady Bulbul (1)
     conradi - Streak-eared Bulbul (2)
     simplex - Cream-vented Bulbul (3)
     brunneus - Asian Red-eyed Bulbul (1)
     erythropthalmos - Spectacled Bulbul (2)
     hualon - Bare-faced Bulbul (1)


     criniger - Hairy-backed Bulbul (2)


     criniger - Hook-billed Bulbul (2)


     finschii - Finsch's Bulbul (2)
     flaveolus - White-throated Bulbul (2)
     pallidus - Puff-throated Bulbul (1)
     ochraceus - Ochraceous Bulbul (1)
     bres - Grey-cheeked Bulbul (1)
     frater - Gray-throated Bulbul (1)
     phaeocephalus - Yellow-bellied Bulbul (3)
     platenae - Sangihe Golden-Bulbul (1)
     aureus - Togian Golden-Bulbul (1)
     longirostris - Northern Golden Bulbul (1)
     chloris - Halmahera Golden-Bulbul (1)
     lucasi - Obi Golden-Bulbul (1)
     mystacalis - Buru Golden-Bulbul (1)
     affinis - Golden Bulbul (1)


     palawanensis - Sulphur-bellied Bulbul (2)
     crypta - Buff-vented Bulbul (3)
     charlottae - Charlotte's Bulbul (1)
     propinqua - Grey-eyed Bulbul (2)
     cacharensis - Cachar Bulbul (1)
     viridescens - Olive Bulbul (1)
     indica - Yellow-browed Bulbul (1)


     madagascariensis - Malagasy Bulbul (3)
     crassirostris - Seychelles Bulbul (3)
     parvirostris - Comoros Bulbul (1)
     moheliensis - Moheli Bulbul (1)
     borbonicus - Reunion Bulbul (2)
     olivaceus - Mauritius Bulbul (1)
     leucocephalus - Black Bulbul (4)
     ganeesa - Square-tailed Black Bulbul (2)
     virescens - Nicobar bulbul (2)
     thompsoni - White-headed Bulbul (1)
     amaurotis - Brown-eared Bulbul (2)
     guimarasensis - Visayan Bulbul (1)
     rufigularis - Zamboanga Bulbul (1)
     everetti - Yellowish Bulbul (1)
     mindorensis - Mindoro Bulbul (2)
     siquijorensis - Streak-breasted Bulbul (1)
     philippinus - Philippine Bulbul (1)


     flavala - Ashy Bulbul (2)
     castanonotus - Chestnut Bulbul (5)


     mcclellandii - Mountain Bulbul (2)
     virescens - Sunda Bulbul (2)
     malaccensis - Streaked Bulbul (1)

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