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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - White-eyes

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Zosteropidae

You can get "Checklist of the White-eyes of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The family of White-eyes has its distribution in Africa, South Asia and Australia to Samoa in the Pacific. Many species are endemic to small islands. The body size of these petite birds is between 10 cm and 14 cm. They have short wings with only nine hand feathers. The beak is slender, the tongue is brush-tipped and can be extended far. The appearance of the different species is often extremely similar. Many species have a conspicuous ring of tiny white feathers around their eyes. They are tree inhabitants and eat insects, fruits and nectar. They pierce fruit with their beak and pull the juice out with their tongue. The nest consists of a hanging bowl on a forked branch. The breeding season is the shortest for birds at 10 days.


     castaniceps - Striated Yuhina (1)
     torqueola - Chestnut-collared Yuhina (1)
     everetti - Chestnut-crested Yuhina (1)
     bakeri - White-naped Yuhina (3)
     flavicollis - Whiskered Yuhina (5)
     humilis - Burmese Yuhina (2)
     gularis - Stripe-throated Yuhina (2)
     diademata - White-collared Yuhina (3)
     occipitalis - Rufous-vented Yuhina (3)
     brunneiceps - Taiwan Yuhina (2)
     nigrimenta - Black-chinned Yuhina (3)


     whiteheadi - Chestnut-faced Babbler (3)
     striatus - Luzon Striped Babbler (1)
     latistriatus - Panay Striped Babbler (1)
     nigrorum - Negros Striped Babbler (1)
     hypogrammicus - Palawan Striped Babbler (1)


     javanicus - Grey-throated Ibon (1)
     squamiceps - Streak-headed Ibon (1)
     pinaiae - Grey-hooded Ibon (1)
     goodfellowi - Mindanao Ibon (1)
     superciliaris - Cream-browed Ibon (2)
     dohertyi - Crested Ibon (3)


     squamifrons - Pygmy Ibon (2)


     crassirostris - Thick-billed Heleia (2)
     muelleri - Spot-breasted Heleia (2)


     emiliae - Mountain Blackeye (2)


     superciliosa - Bare-eyed White-eye (2)
     lacertosa - Sanford's White-eye (1)


     palauensis - Giant White-eye (1)


     ruki - Teardrop White-eye (1)
     longirostra - Long-billed White-eye (1)


     marchei - Golden White-eye (4)


     familiare - Bonin White-eye (2)


     stalkeri - Rufescent Darkeye (1)


     dennistouni - Golden-crowned Babbler (2)
     nigrocapitatus - Black-crowned Babbler (1)
     capitalis - Rusty-crowned Babbler (1)


     speciosa - Flame-templed Babbler (2)
     pygmaea - Visayan Pygmy Babbler (1)
     plateni - Pygmy Babbler (1)


     semiflavus - Marianne White-eye (1)
     mouroniensis - Karthala White-eye (1)
     olivaceus - Reunion Olive White-eye (2)
     chloronothos - Mauritius Olive White-eye (2)
     borbonicus - Reunion Grey White-eye (3)
     mauritianus - Mauritius Grey White-eye (1)
     senegalensis - African Yellow White-eye (1)
     melanocephalus - Mount Cameroon Speirops (2)
     brunneus - Fernando Po Speirops (1)
     poliogastrus - Montane White-eye (7)
     abyssinicus - Abyssinian White-eye (2)
     capensis - Cape White-eye (5)
     pallidus - Pale White-eye (1)
     vaughani - Pemba White-eye (1)
     modestus - Seychelles White-eye (1)
     comorensis - Moheli White-eye (1)
     maderaspatanus - Madagascar White-eye (3)
     aldabrensis - Aldabra White-eye (1)
     anjuanensis - Anjouan White-eye (1)
     kirki - Kirk's White-eye (1)
     mayottensis - Mayotte White-eye (2)
     lugubris - Black-capped Speirops (1)
     leucophaeus - Principe Speirops (1)
     feae - Sao Tome White-eye (1)
     griseovirescens - Annobon White-eye (1)
     ficedulinus - Principe White-eye (1)
     ceylonensis - Sri Lanka White-eye (2)
     erythropleurus - Chestnut-flanked White-eye (1)
     palpebrosus - Oriental White-eye (3)
     japonicus - Japanese White-eye (2)
     meyeni - Lowland White-eye (2)
     salvadorii - Enggano White-eye (1)
     conspicillatus - Bridled White-eye (1)
     rotensis - Rota White-eye (1)
     semperi - Citrine White-eye (2)
     hypolais - Plain White-eye (1)
     atricapilla - Black-capped White-eye (3)
     everetti - Everett's White-eye (1)
     nigrorum - Yellowish White-eye (1)
     montanus - Mountain White-eye (2)
     natalis - Christmas White-eye (3)
     flavus - Javan White-eye (2)
     chloris - Lemon-bellied White-eye (2)
     citrinella - Ashy-bellied White-eye (2)
     grayi - Pearl-bellied White-eye (1)
     uropygialis - Golden-bellied White-eye (3)
     consobrinorum - Pale-bellied White-eye (1)
     anomalus - Black-ringed White-eye (1)
     wallacei - Yellow-ringed White-eye (1)
     atrifrons - Black-crowned White-eye (1)
     somadikartai - Togian Whiteeye (1)
     nehrkorni - Sangihe White-eye (1)
     stalkeri - Seram White-eye (1)
     atriceps - Cream-throated White-eye (4)
     minor - Black-fronted White-eye (1)
     meeki - Tagula White-eye (1)
     hypoxanthus - Bismarck White-eye (1)
     mysorensis - Biak White-eye (1)
     fuscicapilla - Capped White-eye (1)
     buruensis - Buru White-eye (1)
     kuehni - Ambon White-eye (1)
     novaeguineae - Papuan White-eye (2)
     luteus - Canary White-eye (1)
     griseotinctus - Islet White-eye (4)
     rennellianus - Bare-ringed White-eye (1)
     vellalavella - Belted White-eye (1)
     splendidus - Splendid White-eye (1)
     luteirostris - Yellow-billed White-eye (1)
     metcalfii - Yellow-throated White-eye (1)
     kulambangrae - New Georgia White-eye (1)
     murphyi - Hermit White-eye (1)
     ugiensis - Grey-throated White-eye (1)
     stresemanni - Malaita White-eye (1)
     sanctaecrucis - Santa Cruz White-eye (2)
     gibbsi - Vanikoro White-eye (2)
     inornatus - Forest White-eye (2)
     xanthochroa - Green-backed White-eye (1)
     minutus - Sulphur White-eye (2)
     tephropleurus - Lord Howe Island White-eye (3)
     tenuirostris - Slender-billed White-eye (3)
     strenuus - Robust White-eye (4)
     albogularis - White-chested White-eye (1)
     explorator - Fiji White-eye (2)
     lateralis - Silvereye (7)
     flavifrons - Vanuatu White-eye (1)
     samoensis - Samoan White-eye (2)
     finschii - Dusky White-eye (1)
     ponapensis - Greybrown White-eye (1)
     cinereus - Kosrae White-eye (1)
     oleagineus - Olive-colored White-eye (1)

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