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 Avidiversity  AVITOPIA - Sparrows

Scientific system: Clements et al.

Familia: Passeridae

You can get "Checklist of the Sparrows of Planet Earth" as an e-book here.

The sparrow family is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. However, one species managed to conquer the entire globe. The small birds are only 10 cm to 18 cm long. The conical beak indicates that they are grain eaters.


     cinnamomeus - Cinnamon Ibon (2)


     ammodendri - Saxaul Sparrow (2)
     domesticus - House Sparrow (17)
     italiae - Italian Sparrow (3)
     hispaniolensis - Spanish Sparrow (7)
     pyrrhonotus - Jungle Sparrow (4)
     castanopterus - Somali Sparrow (1)
     rutilans - Russet Sparrow (2)
     flaveolus - Plain-backed Sparrow (1)
     moabiticus - Dead Sea Sparrow (5)
     iagoensis - Iago Sparrow (2)
     hemileucus - Abd al Kuri Sparrow (3)
     insularis - Socotra Sparrow (3)
     motitensis - Great Sparrow (2)
     rufocinctus - Kenya Sparrow (1)
     shelleyi - Shelley's Rufous Sparrow (1)
     cordofanicus - Kordofan Rufous Sparrow (1)
     melanurus - Cape Sparrow (13)
     griseus - Northern Grey-headed Sparrow (3)
     swainsonii - Swainson's Sparrow (1)
     gongonensis - Parrot-billed Sparrow (1)
     suahelicus - Swahili Sparrow (1)
     diffusus - Southern Grey-headed Sparrow (6)
     simplex - Desert Sparrow (4)
     montanus - Eurasian Tree Sparrow (7)
     luteus - Sudan Golden Sparrow (1)
     euchlorus - Arabian Golden Sparrow (2)
     eminibey - Chestnut Sparrow (1)


     pyrgita - Yellow-spotted Petronia (2)
     xanthocollis - Yellow-throated Sparrow (2)
     superciliaris - Yellow-throated Petronia (2)
     dentata - Bush Petronia (2)
     petronia - Rock Sparrow (3)


     brachydactyla - Pale Rockfinch (3)


     nivalis - White-winged Snowfinch (6)
     henrici - Henri's Snowfinch (1)
     adamsi - Tibetan Snowfinch (2)
     taczanowskii - White-rumped Snowfinch (1)
     davidiana - Pere David's Snowfinch (1)
     ruficollis - Rufous-necked Snowfinch (2)
     blanfordi - Blanford's Snowfinch (3)
     theresae - Afghan Snowfinch (2)

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