The family of Tinamus is native to Central America and South America. The size is between 14 cm and 49 cm. The form is very compact and the tail is almost invisible. The wings are very short. The beak is relatively short and curved downwards. Tinamus have the smallest hearts and lungs of any bird. Their habitat is on the one hand tropical forests and on the other hand steppes. In any case, they are distinctive terrestrial birds, which tend to run away in danger rather than fly if they do not decide to wait motionless. As opportunistic omnivores, they find a very wide range of food. Their nests are built on the ground. The eggs are often colored with a porcelain-like sheen; a clutch can contain up to 16 eggs. Incubation by the male takes between 16 and 20 days. The chicks are precocial and can feed themselves in the first few days.