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English versions of the bird guides to all countries

Here you find our bird guides for all 198 sovereign and 2 disputed nations of the earth as coloured illustrated e-books. For the bird names the secondary languages are German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Naturally the Latin name is added, too. The e-books in PDF format lend themselves - in addition to display on PC - also to printout (at home or as print-on-demand), for they are equipped with their own linked index and seven complete linked registers. In the flowable ePub format they adapt to the screen and therefore are particularly suited for display on e-reader, tablet or smartphone.

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Birds at Cape Verde

Birds at Cape Verde

The island nation of Cape Verde is approximately 570 km off the west coast of Africa. It is one of the most stable and prosperous African states....
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Birds in Mauritius

Birds in Mauritius

Mauritius - which includes also the islands Rodrigues, Agalega and Cardagos-Carajos - is located at least 1700 km from the African mainland in the...
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Birds of Palestinia

Birds of Palestinia

Palestine consists of the Gaza Strip on the Mediterranean coast and the West Bank inland. Just like Israel, Palestine lies on one of the most...
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Birds of Afghanistan

Birds of Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a landlocked country, two-thirds of which are difficult to access mountain regions. The highest mountains reach almost 7500 m....
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Birds of Albania

Birds of Albania

Albania is located on the southern Adriatic and the Ionian Sea. The climate is subtropical-Mediterranean. The diverse geography of the country - its...
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Birds of Algeria

Birds of Algeria

Algeria is 80% vegetation-less and dominated by the desert regions of the Sahara in the south. Only about 2% - mainly in the north - is...
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Birds of Andorra

Birds of Andorra

The dwarf state of Andorra is located in a high valley of the Pyrenees. The climate is known as a high mountain climate with Mediterranean...
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Birds of Angola

Birds of Angola

Angola has a very large diversity of habitats ranging from the extremely dry deserts in the south to the rainforests in the north. Of the many...
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Birds of Antigua and Barbuda

Birds of Antigua and Barbuda

The two small, low-lying islands Antigua and Barbuda belong to the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean. They have been shaped more by limestone...
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Birds of Argentina

Birds of Argentina

Argentina stretches from the edge of the tropics over many degrees of latitude to the edge of the Antarctic zone. In addition, different altitudes (0...
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Birds of Armenia

Birds of Armenia

Armenia is a mountainous country in the Caucasus region of western Asia; the average altitude of the country is 1800 m. The highest elevation is the...
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Birds of Australia

Birds of Australia

Australia has not only achieved a high level of biodiversity, but also developed a high proportion of endemic creatures due to its long geographic...
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Birds of Austria

Birds of Austria

Österreich ist ein Binnenstaat im südlichen Mitteleuropa. Etwa zwei Drittel des Gebietes werden von alpinem Gebirge eingenommen. Im Osten geht die...
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Birds of Azerbaijan

Birds of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is located in the South Caucasus region and is bordered to the east by the Caspian Sea, the largest lake on earth. The altitudes range...
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Birds of Bahrain

Birds of Bahrain

Bahrain is an island nation in the Persian Gulf and the third smallest country in Asia. Summers are very hot and rainfall is low and irregular....
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Birds of Bangladesh

Birds of Bangladesh

Bangladesh consists mainly of the world's largest estuary formed by the rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna. Only a few hilly areas in the east...
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Birds of Barbados

Birds of Barbados

Barbados is located about 160 km away from the Lesser Antilles and is formed by a coral reef and not by volcanic eruptions. There are no forested...
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Birds of Belarus

Birds of Belarus

Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. The highest elevation is the Dsjarschynskaja Hara with 345 m. A large part (30%) of the...
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Birds of Belgium

Birds of Belgium

Belgium borders the North Sea to the north-west and is relatively low in this part of the country, while to the south-east the landscape becomes more...
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Birds of Belize

Birds of Belize

Belize protects a greater proportion of its land area than any other country. More than 40 % are declared as National parks. In contrast to...
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Birds of Benin

Birds of Benin

Benin is a West African country with 121 km of coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, on the Bight of Benin. The landscape is relatively flat with the...
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Birds of Bhutan

Birds of Bhutan

Bhutan is a landlocked country on the southern slope of the eastern Himalayas. The altitudes range from the lowlands to more than 7000m. The...
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Birds of Bolivia

Birds of Bolivia

Bolivia is a landlocked country in central South America. The altitudes vary greatly, ranging from 70 m to 6542 m asl. The variability of the...
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Birds of Bosnia and Herzegowina

Birds of Bosnia and Herzegowina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a south-eastern European federal state, which is mostly located in the Dinaric Mountains. The country only has a narrow...
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Birds of Botswana

Birds of Botswana

Botswana is a landlocked country dominated by the dry woodlands of the Kalahari Desert, tha largest stretch of sand in the world. Even the very...
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Birds of Brazil

Birds of Brazil

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and covers about half of the South American continent. Brazil is the only country on earth through...
€ 37.49 *

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Birds of Brunei Darussalam

Birds of Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam is a small country on the north coast of Borneo, which consists of two separate parts. Most of Brunei is lowland rainforest, with...
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Birds of Bulgaria

Birds of Bulgaria

Bulgaria is located in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula on the Black Sea with 354 km of coastline. The country is geographically diverse with...
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Birds of Burkina Faso

Birds of Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is located in the interior of West Africa on a mostly gently undulating plateau and even the country's highest mountain, Tena Kourou,...
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Birds of Burundi

Birds of Burundi

Burundi is the poorest and unhappiest country on earth. Over the past 3 decades, Burundi has lost nearly 40% of its forest cover, severely...
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Birds of Cambodia

Birds of Cambodia

Cambodia is a tropical country with two distinct seasons, the rainy season and the dry season (November to April). The altitudes range from sea...
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Birds of Cameroon

Birds of Cameroon

Cameroon is located in Central Africa on the Atlantic and is home to all of the continent's main climate zones: sea coast, mountains, rainforest,...
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Birds of Canada

Birds of Canada

With more than 2000000 Canada has the largest number of lakes of any country on earth. It also has the longest coast line, but most of it is...
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Birds of Chad

Birds of Chad

Chad is a large landlocked Central African state, most of which is taken up by the Chad Basin. In the east of the country, mountains reach a height...
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Birds of Chile

Birds of Chile

Chile, the "elongated country" on the western slopes of the Andes, stretches for more than 4000 km from the tropics through a variety of...
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Birds of China

Birds of China

China is the country with the fourth largest area and is located in two of the major eco-zones, the Palarctic and Indomalaya. Therefore, China has...
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Birds of Colombia

Birds of Colombia

Kulumnien has access to two oceans and is divided into several large natural areas. In the western half of the country are the three great mountain...
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Birds of Costa Rica

Birds of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the most popular destinations for visiting birdwatchers in the world. The mountainous tropical country is home to a very rich...
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Birds of Croatia

Birds of Croatia

Croatia lies east of the Adriatic Sea and thus on the Balkan Peninsula. The climate is Mediterranean near the coast, inland it becomes continental....
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Birds of Cuba

Birds of Cuba

The tropical Caribbean island of Cuba is the largest of the Greater Antilles. It has not only a large number of endemic bird species, but also many...
€ 7.49 *

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