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English versions of the bird guides to all countries

Here you find our bird guides for all 198 sovereign and 2 disputed nations of the earth as coloured illustrated e-books. For the bird names the secondary languages are German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Naturally the Latin name is added, too. The e-books in PDF format lend themselves - in addition to display on PC - also to printout (at home or as print-on-demand), for they are equipped with their own linked index and seven complete linked registers. In the flowable ePub format they adapt to the screen and therefore are particularly suited for display on e-reader, tablet or smartphone.

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Birds of Kazakhstan

Birds of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world and is located in central Eurasia. Altitudes range from 132 m below sea level (Karagiye...
€ 11.99 *

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Birds of Kenya

Birds of Kenya

Kenya is famous for its savanna landscapes with their rich animal life. In fact, the country has much more to offer. The altitudes range from 0...
€ 23.49 *

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Birds of Kiribati

Birds of Kiribati

Kiribati is located at the intersection of the geographic date line (180°) and the equator. Although it consists of only 32 atolls and one island...
€ 2.99 *

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Birds of Kuwait

Birds of Kuwait

Kuwait is situated at the crossroads of two major bird migration routes and therefore has a high diversity of bird species. In 2015 the Mubarak...
€ 8.49 *

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Birds of Kyrgyzstan

Birds of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a tectonically active, mountainous landlocked country in Central Asia; more than 80% of the country's area is occupied by the...
€ 9.49 *

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Birds of Laos

Birds of Laos

Laos is a landlocked tropical country whose climate is dominated by monsoons. A mountain range with heights of over 2000 m covers about 90%...
€ 16.49 *

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Birds of Latvia

Birds of Latvia

Latvia is the middle of the Baltic states. It is a hilly, largely forested country with many lakes and a cool, temperate climate. The highest point...
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Birds of Lebanon

Birds of Lebanon

Lebanon is a coastal state whose avifauna is dominated by the migration routes that cross its territory. The country consists essentially of four...
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Birds of Lesotho

Birds of Lesotho

Lesotho is a landlocked country completely surrounded by South Africa. The landscape is mountainous to alpine, and the climate is therefore cooler...
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Birds of Liberia

Birds of Liberia

Liberia is located in West Africa on the Atlantic Ocean with a coastline 579 km long. The landscape rises from the flat coastal zone inland to a...
€ 16.49 *

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Birds of Libya

Birds of Libya

Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa and is divided into an eastern and a western part. The narrow coastal region has a Mediterranean...
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Birds of Liechtenstein

Birds of Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a very small country in the Alps between Switzerland and Austria. 41% of the country's area is covered by forest. The climate...
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Birds of Lithuania

Birds of Lithuania

Lithuania is the southernmost of the three Baltic states. The landscape is characterized by agricultural use, but about a third of the country is...
€ 7.49 *

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Birds of Luxembourg

Birds of Luxembourg

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe and lies in the middle. The climate is temperate. The north of the country is taken by the...
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Birds of Madagascar

Birds of Madagascar

Madagascar is often called the 'eighth continent' and not because it is the fourth largest island on earth, but because a very independent nature has...
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Birds of Malawi

Birds of Malawi

The landlocked state of Malawi is completely dominated by the Rift Valley and the third largest lake in Africa, Lake Malawi. The northern region...
€ 14.49 *

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Birds of Malaysia

Birds of Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world; i.e. this country is home to a large number of species and a relatively large number of...
€ 17.49 *

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Birds of Mali

Birds of Mali

Mali is the eighth largest country in Africa and is a landlocked country in the west of the continent. The landscape is dominated by plains. The...
€ 14.49 *

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Birds of Malta

Birds of Malta

Malta is situated on the migration route of many bird species across the Mediterranean, so it is worth taking a look at the birdlife when visiting...
€ 6.99 *

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Birds of Mauritania

Birds of Mauritania

Mauritania is a West African country belonging to the Arab world. It has a long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. 90% of the country lies in...
€ 8.49 *

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Birds of Mexico

Birds of Mexico

Mexico is famous for its wide variety of habitats. These include such extremes as harsh desert, arid scrub, tropical deciduous forest, lowland...
€ 22.49 *

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Birds of Moldova

Birds of Moldova

Moldova, officially the Republic of Moldova, is a landlocked country between Ukraine and Romania. The landscape is undulating, the altitude is...
€ 7.49 *

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Birds of Monaco

Birds of Monaco

Monaco is a city-state on the French Riviera (Côte d'Azur), the second smallest country in the world and at the same time the most densely...
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Birds of Mongolia

Birds of Mongolia

Mongolia has the lowest density of population of all countries. It is located 1500 m above sea level on average and has only 3000 km of tarred...
€ 10.49 *

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Birds of Montenegro

Birds of Montenegro

Montenegro lies east of the Adriatic Sea; it is a mountainous, wooded country in the Dinaric Mountains. The altitudes range from a narrow coastal...
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Birds of Morocco

Birds of Morocco

Morocco is a fascinating country with a multitude of landscapes making it favorite destination for tourists and providing a basis for a high...
€ 8.49 *

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Birds of Mozambique

Birds of Mozambique

Mozambique is located in southern Africa on the Indian Ocean and is after years of civil war one of the poorest countries in the world. The...
€ 16.49 *

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Birds of Myanmar

Birds of Myanmar

Myanmar is ornithologically a very attractive country. For example, BirdLife International has declared seven different - in part cross-border -...
€ 23.99 *

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Birds of Namibia

Birds of Namibia

Namibia has an excellent variety of bird-rich habitats: for example, the dunes of the Namib Desert, the plains of the Etosha National Park, the...
€ 14.49 *

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Birds of Nauru

Birds of Nauru

Nauru is the smallest republic in the world. It consists of a single island in the Pacific a few kilometers south of the equator. It is an elevated...
€ 1.99 *

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Birds of Nepal

Birds of Nepal

Nepal is a landlocked country. The altitudes range from 70 m in the Indo-Gangetic plain to almost 9000 m in the Himalayas. The numerous protected...
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Birds of New Zealand

Birds of New Zealand

New Zealand is a country with a large number of introduced animals that threaten and in some cases have already extinct the native avifauna....
€ 6.49 *

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Birds of Nicaragua

Birds of Nicaragua

Nicaragua is the largest of the Central American countries, but probably the least known. But by 2006, tourism has become the second largest...
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Birds of Niger

Birds of Niger

Niger is a landlocked country in western Africa. Three quarters of the country are in the Sahara, the remaining quarter belongs to the Sahel zone....
€ 12.99 *

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Birds of Nigeria

Birds of Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous country and at the same time the economically strongest country in Africa. It is located in West Africa on the Atlantic...
€ 19.49 *

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Birds of Niue

Birds of Niue

The island of Niue is one of the largest raised atolls on earth, it represents the top of an extinct volcano and is often just called "The...
€ 2.49 *

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Birds of North Korea

Birds of North Korea

North Korea is a mountainous state in the northern part of the Korean peninsula. Its climate combines continental and oceanic characteristics with...
€ 8.49 *

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Birds of North Macedonia

Birds of North Macedonia

North Macedonia is a landlocked country north of Greece. The climate is partly Mediterranean, partly continental and mountainous at high altitudes....
€ 7.49 *

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Birds of Norway

Birds of Norway

Norway's landscape is shaped by the Scandinavian mountains, which reach 2469 m with their highest elevation. To the west the landscape slopes rapidly...
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Birds of Oman

Birds of Oman

Oman is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula and has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean. The 250 km long narrow strip of coast is a...
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