English versions of the bird guides to all countries
Here you find our bird guides for all 198 sovereign and 2 disputed nations of the earth as coloured illustrated e-books.
For the bird names the secondary languages are German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Naturally the Latin name is added, too.
The e-books in PDF format lend themselves - in addition to display on PC - also to printout (at home or as print-on-demand),
for they are equipped with their own linked index and seven complete linked registers.
In the flowable ePub format they adapt to the screen and therefore
are particularly suited for display on e-reader, tablet or smartphone.
Displaying 161 to 200 (of 200 products)
The Cook Islands are located in the southern Pacific and are of volcanic origin. A distinction is made between a northern group of islands with 6...
The Czech Republic is one of several landlocked countries in Central Europe. At its edges, the Czech Republic is surrounded by mountain ranges. The...
Located in Central Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) is the second largest country on the continent. 60% of the country...
The Dominican Republic is becoming a very attractive birding destination. Many of the endemic Hispaniolan birds occur there, including the Palm Chat,...
The Federated States of Micronesia are an island nation in the westernmost part of the Pacific Ocean and occupy most of the Caroline Islands. The...
The Gambia, the smallest state in the African mainland, lies on the banks of the Gambia River. It is a flat land, the highest elevation is only 53...
Ivory Coast is the country with the highest biodiversity in West Africa. The country's climate changes from the permanently humid tropical climate on...
Kosovo is a small landlocked country in the center of the Balkan Peninsula. Geographically it is a depression between high mountains on the national...
The Maldives is an island nation off the west coast of the Indian subcontinent with more than 1000 islands. The highest elevation reaches a height...
The Marshall Islands are an island nation with more than 1000 islands in the mid-Pacific and are part of Micronesia. In terms of land area, they are...
The Netherlands are very low relative to sea level. The highest point reaches 321 m, but about half of the land area is less than one meter above and...
The Philippines is an archipelagic country in the west of the Pacific Ocean and consists of 7641 islands. The climate is tropical-maritime and is...
The Republic of the Congo lies on both sides of the equator on the Atlantic Ocean, with a coastline of about 170 km. More than half of the country's...
The Republic of Seychelles consists of 115 islands and is located 1500 km east of mainland Africa in the Indian Ocean. Due to the mild climate...
Russia is the largest country in the world by area. The climate is predominantly continental, the average temperature in Russia is -5.5°C. Although...
The Solomon Islands are an island country in Oceania, they consist of 6 larger and more than 900 smaller islands. They are of volcanic origin and...
Syria lies east of the Mediterranean Sea ('Levante') with a 193 km long coastline. The climate along this coast is Mediterranean, i.e. mild wet...
The island nation of Union of Comoros consists of three main islands, commonly known by the French names Grande Comoro, Anjouan and Mohéli. There...
Some experts consider the United Arab Emirates an eastern birding hotspot of the Western Palearctic. Migration is particularly rewarding in April and...
Birdwatching, you might think, was invented in the UK, it is so popular here. In fact, the British have contributed greatly to ornithology around the...
The ecology of the United States of America is quite diverse ("megadivers"). One of the reasons is that this country has the largest...
With an area of 0.44 km², Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. It is an enclave in Rome, the capital of Italy. Gardens account for...
Togo is one of the smallest countries in Africa. Togo has 56 km of coastline on the Atlantic. The central part of Togo is dominated by the Togo...
The Kingdom of Tonga is a Polynesian archipelago in the South Pacific comprising more than 170 islands, around 40 of which are inhabited. Tonga is...
The island state of Trinidad and Tobago (shortly TnT) had until a few thousand years ago a land connection with the continent of South America....
Tunisia is easily accessible from Europe and with its Mediterranean climate a popular holiday destination. Tunisia has 11 national parks,...
Turkey has more breeding bird species than any other country in the Western Palearctic. This fact is due to the wide diversity of habitats, with...
Turkmenistan is a sparsely populated desert country in Central Asia. The climate is extraordinarily continental, so that in summer the highest...
Tuvalu is a Polynesian archipelago of volcanic origin in the tropical Pacific. The highest peak is only 4.6 m above sea level and Tuvalu is...
Uganda is an African landlocked country, most of which is on one level at a height of approx. 1000 m above sea level. Nevertheless, the highest point...
Ukraine is the largest country whose borders are entirely within Europe. The climate is temperate, only in the extreme south there is a subtropical...
Though one of the smallest countries in South America, Uruguay has a large variety of birds. Uruguay succeeded in combining economical and political...
Uzbekistan is a hot and dry landlocked country in Central Asia. The climate of Uzbekistan is considered moderate, but 80% of the area consists...
Vanuatu is an island state in the west of the Pacific, the 83 islands are of volcanic origin and extend over a distance of about 1300 km. The highest...
Venezuela is located in northern South America on the Atlantic Ocean. The coast is about 2800 km long. Venezuela can be divided into five...
Vietnam is a predominantly mountainous, wooded country in the tropics of Southeast Asia. Fan-Si-Pan is the highest mountain of Vietnam and the...
Western Sahara is located on the Atlantic coast of Northwest Africa. With the exception of a few oases and gueltas, the landscapes are dry and the...
In Yemen, an up to 3760 m high mountain range separates the narrow coastal plain from the highlands (2000 to 2500 m) inland. Somewhat isolated...
Zambia is a landlocked country in southern Afrka and is covered to a large extent by Miombo forest, where almost all Miombo-specialized bird species...
Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern tropical Africa. Large parts of the country are covered by dry savannah, dominated by miombo and mopane...
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Displaying 161 to 200 (of 200 products)