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German versions of the bird guides for islands

Here you can find our bird guides to many islands and archipelagos as coloured illustrated e-books. For the bird names the secondary languages are English, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Naturally the Latin name is added, too. The e-books in PDF format lend themselves - in addition to display on PC - also to printout (at home or as print-on-demand), for they are equipped with two complete registers. In the flowable ePub format they adapt to the screen and therefore are particularly suited for display on e-reader, tablet or smartphone.

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Vögel auf den Färöer-Inseln

Vögel auf den Färöer-Inseln

The Faroe Islands are a group of islands in the northern Atlantic that are politically part of Denmark. It is of volcanic origin, the highest...
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Vögel auf Korsika

Vögel auf Korsika

Corsica is one of the most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean with spectacular mountains, rugged coasts and vast forests. Only on this island...
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Vögel auf Kreta

Vögel auf Kreta

The Mediterranean island of Crete is an amazingly rich destination for birdwatchers. The long and high mountain range over the entire length of...
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Vögel auf Thasos

Vögel auf Thasos

Thasos is the northernmost inhabited island in the Aegean and slightly larger than the state of Malta. It is only 7 km from the mainland and...
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Vögel in Grönland

Vögel in Grönland

Greenland, the largest island in the world, lies for the most part beyond the Arctic Circle. Therefore there is a polar and sub-polar climate....
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Vögel auf Sardinien

Vögel auf Sardinien

Sardinia is a big island and its birdlife is so rich, that a stay of more than a week is worthwhile just for that reason. The wide saltpans,...
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Vögel in Sizilien

Vögel in Sizilien

Sicily is not only the largest but also the most volcanically active island in the Mediterranean; Etna volcano is also the highest mountain in Sicily...
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Vögel auf Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen

Vögel auf Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen

While Svalbard and Jan Mayen are more than 1100km apart, they are sometimes grouped together (country code SJ) for convenience, given that both are...
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Vögel auf Spitzbergen

Vögel auf Spitzbergen

Svalbard is an archipelago on the southern edge of the Arctic Sea and politically belongs to Norway; the main island of the archipelago is called...
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Vögel auf den Azoren

Vögel auf den Azoren

The Azores are a group of volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean with a very mild climate. The number of breeding bird species is not very large,...
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Vögel auf Madeira

Vögel auf Madeira

Madeira is located about 730 km west of the Moroccan coast. It is well developed touristicly and offers excellent hiking possibilities. A large...
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Vögel auf den Balearen

Vögel auf den Balearen

The Balearic Islands are a group of more than 150 islands in the Mediterranean Sea, but only five are inhabited. The climate is definitely...
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Vögel auf Mallorca

Vögel auf Mallorca

Majorca is not only a popular holiday destination, but also an attractive area for bird watching. Especially the passage in spring brings an exciting...
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Vögel im Britischen Territorium im Indischen Ozean

Vögel im Britischen Territorium im Indischen Ozean

The British Indian Ocean Territory currently includes the Chagos Archipelago and is located about 500 km south of the Maldives and therefore south of...
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Vögel auf dem Chagos-Archipel

Vögel auf dem Chagos-Archipel

The Chagos Archipelago is located about 500 km south of the Maldives and therefore south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. Together with the...
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Vögel auf den Andamanen

Vögel auf den Andamanen

The Andman Islands are an archipelago in the Indian Ocean southwest of Myanmar. It consists of several hundred islands, the highest point of which...
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Vögel auf den Nikobaren

Vögel auf den Nikobaren

The Nicobar archipelago consists of 24 islands in the Bay of Bengal between the Andaman Islands and Sumatra. The highest elevation is reached at...
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Vögel auf Bali

Vögel auf Bali

Bali is a partially forested tropical volcanic island east of Java. It is a popular destination and offers many bird species - including many...
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Vögel auf den Bonin-Inseln

Vögel auf den Bonin-Inseln

The Bonin Islands, Japanese: Ogasawara-guntō, are located in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Of the more than 30 volcanic islands, only two are...
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Vögel auf den Vulkaninseln

Vögel auf den Vulkaninseln

The Volcano Islands or Iwo Islands or Kazan-rettō are an archipelago consisting of 3 islands west of the Bonin Islands in the Pacific Ocean. They...
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Vögel auf den Sokotra-Inseln

Vögel auf den Sokotra-Inseln

The Socotra archipelago lies east of the Gulf of Aden. The climate is classified as hot desert or semi-desert. Only the islands of Socotra, Abd...
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Vögel auf Phuket

Vögel auf Phuket

Phuket is the greatest island of Thailand and known as a holiday destination, but the birdlife may add exciting experience to a visit. Phuket is...
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Vögel in Neuguinea

Vögel in Neuguinea

New Guinea is the World's second largest island. It lies in the southwestern Pacific Ocean south of the equator and is assigned to Melansesia. The...
€ 15.49 *

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Vögel auf der Insel Bouvet

Vögel auf der Insel Bouvet

Bouvet Island is an uninhabited subantarctic volcanic island located in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It is considered the most remote island on...
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Vögel auf dem Bissagos-Archipel

Vögel auf dem Bissagos-Archipel

The Bissagos Archipelago, also known as Bijagós Archipelago, consists of 88 islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Guinea-Bissau. 20 of them...
€ 12.49 *

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Vögel auf den Heard und McDonald-Inseln

Vögel auf den Heard und McDonald-Inseln

The subantarctic islands Heard and McDonald are of volcanic origin and lie 43km apart in the southern Indian Ocean. The highest point is Mawson Peak...
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Vögel auf Mayotte

Vögel auf Mayotte

Mayotte belongs to the Comoros archipelago, but did not join the independent Union of the Comoros, but chose to remain with France in a referendum....
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Vögel auf St. Helena

Vögel auf St. Helena

The island of St. Helena is the tip of an extinct volcano in the southern Atlantic Ocean, reaching 818 m asl at Diana's Peak. The coasts are mostly...
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Vögel auf St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha

Vögel auf St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha

The islands are of volcanic origin and lie just off the mid-Atlantic ridge. They are at least 1600 km away from the African mainland and are also...
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Vögel auf Ascension

Vögel auf Ascension

The volcanic island of Ascension lies isolated in the middle of the tropical Atlantic, but is inhabited. It reaches a height of 859m above sea level...
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Vögel auf der Europa-Insel

Vögel auf der Europa-Insel

The Europa Island is part of the Îles Éparses, which in turn belong to the Terres australes et antarctiques françaises, and lies in the Mozambique...
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Vögel auf den Kanarischen Inseln

Vögel auf den Kanarischen Inseln

On the volcanic islands off the coast of Africa live a variety of interesting bird species. Some of them are endemic to the Canaries, above all the...
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Vögel auf Gough

Vögel auf Gough

Gough Island is practically in the middle of the South Atlantic. It is volcanic and reaches a height of 910 m above sea level (Edinburgh Peak). The...
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Vögel auf Tristan da Cunha

Vögel auf Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha is an approximately 2000 m high volcanic archipelago in the southern Atlantic. The climate is oceanic with lots of rain and little...
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Vögel auf den Kerguelen-Inseln

Vögel auf den Kerguelen-Inseln

The Keguelen islands are a volcanic archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean. It consists of around 400 islands, but most of the land area - more...
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Vögel auf Sankt Paul und Amsterdam

Vögel auf Sankt Paul und Amsterdam

The islands of Saint Paul and Amsterdam are of volcanic origin and are located in the southern Indian Ocean about 92 km from each other. They are...
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Vögel auf den Crozetinseln

Vögel auf den Crozetinseln

The Crozet Islands archipelago is located in the southern Indian Ocean; it consists of five islands and some rocks. A sub-Antarctic research station...
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Vögel auf den Verstreuten Inseln im Indischen Ozean

Vögel auf den Verstreuten Inseln im Indischen Ozean

The Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean include the atolls of Bassas da India, Europa and Îles Glorieuses, and the islands of Juan de Nova and...
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Vögel auf der Amsterdam-Insel

Vögel auf der Amsterdam-Insel

The island of Amsterdam is a remote volcanic island in the southern Indian Ocean. It is part of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. The...
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Vögel auf Réunion

Vögel auf Réunion

Just like Mauritius and Rodrigues, Reunion is one of the Mascarene Islands and lies around 700 km east of Madagascar. As overseas department of...
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