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Vögel der Arktis

€ 6.49 *

Birds that are capable of living on the far side of the northern polar circle.

Cover image Northern Fulmar, Photo: W.J.Daunicht.

In spite of the tough living conditions the bird life of the Arctis is surprisingly diverse; it is so, as she touches three continents. Therefore many typically ground-inhabiting bird species form a part of the arctic bird life. This bird guide shows all species (Date 05.06.2024).
The scientific system follows Clements et al. 2017.
A free preview to the main section of the e-book - of course at today's state of the data base and the archive - is available at Bird guides customized.

Primary language German, secondary languages English, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese.
All 270 species are illustrated. In addition, links to HD videos of 86 bird species (59m 26s) and audios of 42 bird species (31m 7s) are included. The assessment of the global conservation status of bird species uses the criteria of the Red List (IUCN) 2012.
An index, name registers in all selected languages and a scientific name register, all completely linked.
PDF E-book in page-based format A5: 106 pages, 17.75 MiB.
ePub E-book in flowable format for all devices with ePub reader: 15.31 MiB.

© Wolfgang J. Daunicht 2024

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